03 | Honor

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Being in LA felt so different now that I didn't have a place of my own. Now more than ever I truly felt as if I was "just visiting" more than going back home. I debated getting a hotel room, but it just made more sense for me to stay with my parents. I wanted to spend as much time with them as possible anyway.

I woke up that morning with a knot in my stomach, I couldn't believe I was actually going through with this. After Prince gave me the go ahead to meet up with Gabe I always kept it in the back of my mind. That was until I scheduled a trip to fly out and see my family for a few days. It was now or never and I was anxious for us to finally meet up.

"Riley, eat something" My Mom demanded as I sat on the couch in a daze. I wasn't hungry, I was entirely too nervous to keep anything down.

"It's okay ma, I'm really not hungry" I felt bad, she whipped up my favorite breakfast for me and I just couldn't stomach it right now.

"You nervous?" She asked as she sat down next to me. I confided in her and told her that Gabe and I were meeting up. I purposely didn't tell my Dad because I knew he wouldn't take it well. She encouraged me to do it, she thinks it'll be good for us to talk now and hash things out now that enough time has passed. We've both grown and matured and can handle a respectful conversation with each other.

"I am...I'm not sure why though. I mean it's not like I feel any type of way towards him anymore"

"Just because you don't have any feelings for him doesn't mean you can't be nervous. No matter how much time has passed, he's still the father of your child and that's a big deal. You haven't seen him in years, it's ok to be afraid of the unknown" She always knew what to say, and it felt good to have my feelings validated.

We decided to meet up for coffee so I met him at the nearest Starbucks. When I walked in, I didn't see him yet so I ordered for myself and sat down. I was frantically biting my lip because I was so nervous. Every time someone walked through the door, I looked up to see if it was him. I flipped through social media on my phone to keep myself occupied for a bit. As I was checking Instagram a text came through, it was Prince.

Prince: Don't be nervous. I love you.

I couldn't help but smile. He always knew what to say and exactly when to say it. I bought him a cell phone not too long ago, even though he's not fond of it. I bought it so that he could contact me easier, especially if he wasn't home at Paisley. He'd usually use the phone of whoever was around him, but some discussions need to be a bit more private. He only ever uses it when I'm gone which is rare. Just as I finished reading his message I heard a familiar voice that I hadn't heard in almost 5 years.

"Riley" That accent was still as strong as ever. I looked up and connected with those piercing hazel eyes and was greeted with a smile. He was still as gorgeous as I remembered too. I stood up and we immediately embraced and in that moment I was so grateful to get the chance to talk to him. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him, but I missed the Gabriel that I fell in love with not the Gabriel he had become at the end of our relationship.

 I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him, but I missed the Gabriel that I fell in love with not the Gabriel he had become at the end of our relationship

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