02 | A Long Way

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I know this message may come as a bit of a surprise, but I needed to ask a favor of you. I recently moved to Minnesota and it's been incredibly hard to come to terms with the fact that I can't visit Iris as much as I'd like to. It may sound silly but I feel like I've left her behind. I'm telling you this so that you're aware, but also because it would mean the world to me if you spent a little more time with her on my behalf.

I hope all is well with you.




Wow. It's been a long time, how are you? Congrats on the move. I gotta admit it's crazy seeing your face on TV, let alone with Prince. I know you've always loved the dude but damn...never saw that coming. I guess dreams really do come true lol I'm happy for you. I understand what you mean regarding Iris and I will absolutely do that. It never gets easier.

Call me next time you're in LA. It'll be good to catch up and I actually would like to talk to you about a few things. My number's the same.

- Gabe

His response shocked me. The last Gabe I knew was just...mean for a lack of a better word. I guess I just assumed he'd still have those same feelings towards me since that's how we left it. I was expecting him to either ignore my message, laugh at it, or mock me for leaving her behind. I wasn't expecting him to be so understanding and so...nice. Let alone wanting to meet up and talk. Prince was already having a hard time knowing I even wanted to message him, I can only imagine how he'll feel about us meeting up.

Just as I was wrapping my brain around the message, in walked Prince. I swallowed hard before putting my phone down and sitting up straight.

"Done for the night?" I asked him sweetly.

"Yea, I sent the band home" he said as he came over and sat next to me on the couch. He kissed my cheek and I smiled at him. I'm sure he could tell I was nervous about something because I just sat there quietly.

"What is it" he asked, always being able to read my mind

"Well um-.." I suddenly became extremely nervous. I had no intention of hiding it from him but I was still unsure of how he'd handle it. The outcome is what worried me.

"Spit it out, what's wrong?"

"S-so, remember how I told you I was debating talking to Iris' Dad?...well I messaged him" I held my breath for a split second as I watched his eyes shift a bit. His expression didn't change but I could see it in his eyes that he wasn't pleased. He didn't say anything so I continued to speak. "I just told him that I moved and that it would just ease my heart and my mind if he went and visited her grave a little more, keep an eye on the upkeep of it and whatnot" He still didn't say a word. His eyes looked away for a second and then back at me before he adjusted himself in the seat.

"Is that all that was said?"

"Well he replied and uh..he wants to meet up the next time I'm in town"

"And why is that necessary?"

"I mean I guess it's not necessary, but he said he wanted to talk to me about a few things"

"He can't talk about it over the phone?" He was trying to come up with every excuse possible to get me to not do this.

"I don't know, I'm not even sure what he wants to talk about-" He sighed heavily and I knew he was getting frustrated. "Baby, it's not like I'm making a special trip to go see him. Just whenever the next time i'm in LA we'd grab coffee or something. It's really not a big deal"

He sat silent for a second and rubbed his chin, thinking about all the information I just laid out on him.

"Like I told you before, if it's got to do with Iris I won't stand in your way. I just don't understand why it's something you need to do face to face. You told me how he treated you, you honestly want to see him again after all he put you through?"

It was then I understood what the issue was. It wasn't just that I was talking to my ex, even though that was a huge part of it, but it was because of everything that I went through with him. Maybe he didn't want me reliving those memories, especially now that we've lost one of our own. The love this man has for me still continues to blow me away.

I scooted closer to him and took his hand before intertwining it with mine. He looked down at our conjoined hands, not looking me in the eyes.

"I promise you I'm ok. I'm in a completely different head space now than I was then. Not only that but he's moved on and so have I...I mean you can join us if you want to" I laughed a little trying to lighten the mood but he didn't find it amusing. My smile faded once I realized it didn't have the effect I thought it would. "All I'm saying is that I have nothing to hide. I guess I'm just curious of what he has to say"

He sighed and looked up at me and kissed my forehead before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him on the couch. My head nuzzled in the crook of his neck while he sat there silent for a second.

"We've come a long way haven't we? Any other time this would have ended up in a fight" I couldn't see his face but I could tell he was smiling, holding in a laugh.

"My fault I'm sure" I joked

"No no, we both played our parts...go ahead and meet up with him. I trust you"

Nothing could have made me happier in that moment. Not because of Gabe, but because we finally had a civilized conversation without arguing. No going around each other's backs, no twisting the truth. We were both honest and got our points across and in the end both of us are content. He was right, we had come a long way.

Don't shoot me 🙈 I know it's been a while. SO MUCH has been going on with me lately and in all honesty inspiration hasn't struck me like it usually does. And I refuse to write just to get an update out and give you shitty chapters. With that said, sorry this is a little short but I'm hoping to get back in the groove. I miss you guys!! 💜

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