24 | R&R

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12:05AM; the numbers on the analog clock lit up the corner of the bedroom like a night light. I sat up with a yawn, trying to gather my bearings and figure out where I was. I can't believe I slept for so long, so much for a quick nap.

Prince wasn't in the room and I hadn't seen him all day, so I walked out of the bedroom and into the hallway to try and find him. It was eerily quiet in the house, usually I could hear the faint sound of him on the piano, or at least an acoustic guitar but I didn't hear either. As I waddled into the living room, I finally saw a hint of light as I came around the corner. Prince was on the couch, watching Finding Nemo and nibbling at a leftover cupcake from my shower.

I walked over and sat down next to him, I laid my legs across his lap as he gently grabbed my ankle with his free hand. His eyes never once left the TV screen. I smiled to myself watching him become so engrossed in the animated film. I loved how much he enjoyed this movie, it warms my heart to watch the childlike side of him. Sometimes, no matter how old you are you just need to kick back and watch a cartoon.

He took one more bite of the cupcake and placed it on the coffee table. He had barely eaten half, but that's all he needed. I don't think I know anyone else in the world who loves sweets as much as he does, yet still has the self control to only take a few bites of it before calling it quits.

"Did you enjoy the shower?" he asked, finally turning his head to face me. Now that both hands were free, he gently massaged my ankles as we began to speak.

"Yea...I mean it was ok until.." My voice trailed off as my conversation with his ex wife reappeared in my head

"Until what?" he asked, eyebrow raised.

"Please don't make me repeat it" I whined, throwing my head back on the pillow. I know he knows, he always knows. I just wish we could talk about it and get it over with.

"Baby, what happened?" I brought my head back up and opened my eyes to look at him, he seemed genuinely concerned. He really didn't know? For once he actually didn't know something before I got the chance to tell him? Of all things.

"You really don't know?"

"What is going on, just tell me" he was getting frustrated at the fact that I hadn't explained, but I was truly shocked that he didn't have a clue.

"Wow, I was sure this would've gotten back to you by now....everything else does" I mumbled under my breath

"Riley just-"

"Ok! Don't get frustrated babe, I'm just genuinely surprised you didn't know...Manuela showed up"

I waited before continuing to observe his reaction. He just stared at me blankly, I wasn't even sure if he'd heard me. He waited a moment before finally saying,

"Manuela who?"

My face scrunched up as I looked at him stupidly

"What do you mean Manuela who? How many Manuela's do you know?"

He was quiet again, and once again I couldn't read his face. He was looking directly at me, but something about his gaze was off. It was as if he was looking past me, reminiscing on a time and place that I wasn't a part of. A time and place he probably thought he'd never have to revisit.

"Why was she there?" He asked flatly

"Hell if I know" I shrugged "It was so odd, she said she..." my hands automatically reverted to my belly once again in a protective manner "she wanted to check up on me. Make sure I was doing well in my pregnancy" I rolled my eyes at the thought. "such bullshit" I mumbled

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