15 | The Wrong Path

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Now not only was I coordinating my wedding, but simultaneously picking out wood, stone, paint, and everything else that goes into building a home. I was so nervous that the two of us would clash while designing this house, he definitely has his own unique style and I have mine. But to my surprise he let me make a good amount of the decisions. Of course I made sure he agreed with everything, I don't want him living in a home that he doesn't even like. But we were able to compromise on a lot more than I thought we would. However of course I couldn't touch the studio. He can't live somewhere without a studio at his disposal and I wouldn't want him to, so I let him take care of that. Not that I would know the first thing about designing one, but he was happy to teach me a lot along the way.

One night I was in his office on my laptop, looking at different fireplace design styles and typing notes. I didn't want to admit it, but I was overwhelmed by everything. We hired a contractor and other professionals of course, but at the end of the day I was still the one making final decisions. Between that and the wedding I had bitten off a little more than I could chew.

I decided to take a break from house plans and finish up last minute wedding plans. I wanted to review the seating chart one last time. Prince and I had gone over it already, but I just wanted to double check it again before it was printed.

As I scanned over each list, I noticed two names that weren't there before. I instantly saw red and clenched my jaw in frustration because I knew who was to blame.

"PRINCE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I don't know where he was in Paisley, but I made damn sure that he heard me. I don't think I've ever screamed so loud before. He obviously heard the anger in my voice because not even a minute later, he was walking through the door. A look of concern covered his face as he looked at me, wondering what was wrong.

"What's going on?" he asked

"You tell me, what the hell is this?!"

He obviously knew what I had found because he didn't even try to play dumb

"Riley, he's like family to me" he said. He was so calm about the whole thing, while I looked like the crazy one. Maybe it was the stress of everything hitting me at once, but I was fuming and not holding back.

"Prince, I do not want Larry and his wife at our wedding"

"Well I do"

"WHY? He didn't even WANT to be there remember? Or did you forget that little detail?"

Not too long after we got engaged, Prince told Larry the news. He didn't approve of it, no surprise there. He was so against it in fact, that he flat out refused to go. It really hurt Prince, and as much as I despise him I know how much Prince cares for him and sees him as a brother. So for him to flat out say that he refused to come to our wedding completely crushed him. I was willing to invite him in the beginning because I knew how much it meant to Prince, but after his refusal I wanted nothing to do with him. Not after the way he hurt my fiancé.

"He's had a change of heart" he replied softly. Prince usually has a calm demeanor about him, but in this moment I needed more from him. This explanation was not cutting it.

"That's bullshit Prince, he made his choice. He doesn't like me, he never has and quite frankly I don't give a shit. However I will not invite any guest to our wedding that doesn't love and care for us as a couple as much as we care for them. I want people there who actually love and support us!"

"Riley, he do-"

"No Prince, he DOESN'T! He loves YOU. He wants nothing to do with me. Maybe if I was this perfect little Jehovah's Witness that was 20 years older, then he would approve. But I'm not!

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