13 | Trash

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"Prince, will you get out!" Ria yelled as I whipped my head around to find him standing in the doorway.

"Babe, seriously!" I chimed in while he rolled his eyes and stormed off.

"I knew he was gonna be difficult, but I didn't think he'd be this big of a pain in the ass" Ria said as she made sure he was as far away from the wardrobe room as possible. Trying to keep my wedding dress a secret from him has been hell. We thought about only working on it at her house but of course, she still lives with her brother and I'm not opening up that can of worms, especially now. So we've had to do everything here in the work room, which wouldn't be a problem under ordinary circumstances. Prince is so used to having the last word in every garment he wears, and even mine whenever we attend any public event together. So not being able to have any say in my gown was killing him. At first it was cute and playful, now it's just annoying and irritating because he won't let it go.

"Girl, every day he tries to make me give him hints about it. Is it sleeveless? Is there lace? Is it low cut? How much skin are you gonna be showing? How tight is it?" I rolled my eyes and Ria laughed "He's obsessing over it"

"Well luckily we don't have much longer to go"

Prince and I were getting married in just a month. Everyone was shocked at how fast we were pulling it off, but I guess after you've been with him for so long you realize nothing is really impossible. We're also keeping it very low key so luckily I haven't really been stressed about anything. We're not having Bridesmaids and Groomsmen, and no traditional flower girls or ring bearers. Instead we're just going to have Alex walk with Luci down the aisle and she's going to hand over the rings to Prince. That way I can at least say they both were in the wedding.

The only thing I was extremely picky about other than the dress, were the photographs. I need our photos to be perfect. I was so grateful that Afshin so graciously agreed to shoot us, he's organized a team of the best photographers to help him as well. We also invited him as a guest along with his family so we didn't want him working the entire time. He'll get a lot of the major shots, but afterward it'll be up to the team so that he can enjoy himself.

The only part of the wedding that we were unsure of at first was where to have it. As much as I love LA, I didn't want our wedding there. It was completely opposite of our lifestyle and the life I've come to know and love here in Minnesota. Not to mention paparazzi waiting for you around every corner. We debated on a destination wedding for a while, but nothing really held any meaning. So we landed on having it here in Minnesota. At the arboretum right down the road, that way we can just enjoy our honeymoon somewhere else far from here.

From the moment I came to Minnesota, I quickly fell in love with that place. I know Prince would go from time to time to clear his thoughts and I eventually ended up doing the same thing. We'd go together on occasion so it became a quiet little safe haven whenever we wanted to get out. The Arboretum staff have been incredibly gracious and helpful throughout the entire process, honestly I don't know if it could have been this easily done anywhere else.

"Okay, try it on for me one more time so I can make sure I took it in enough" Ria said. I did as she asked before making sure the door was locked so Prince wouldn't barge through again.

Once I had it on I walked up to the mirror and I couldn't help but to smile. She came up behind me and folded her arms, a smile spreading across her face as well.

"Damn I'm good" she said to herself

It fit like a glove. I know it's common for Brides to lose weight due to stress and whatnot right up until the wedding, but I don't think I was going to have that problem. If anything I was just anxious and excited.

"Just don't get knocked up in the next month" she laughed, but her laughter quickly ceased once she realized what she had said. She immediately looked at me apologetically. "Ri I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine" I reassured her "I know what you meant" I gave her a smile. The whole baby topic was a sensitive subject, but I couldn't let it consume me. I knew she meant no harm.

"Speaking of which"...she began to say while she adjusted my train. "Do you think you guys are gonna start trying soon after?"

Truth be told we were both so wrapped up in wedding planning that we haven't had the chance to sit and talk about it. I know neither of us wants to wait, but this was definitely a conversation we should have in detail.

"I'm pretty sure. He's clearly not getting any younger" I joked to lighten the mood and it worked, we both let out a good chuckle.

"Okay, let's get you out of this so I can pack it up" she smacked my butt and I scooted away from the mirror to pry myself out of it. We've had to keep it so under wraps that we don't even leave it here, she takes it back home with her. She's been sweet enough to work on this after hours, but I told Prince he's paying her over time for it.


I was actually glad that Ria had brought up that question today. Once Prince was done for the night, I planned on bringing it up to him. Until then I decided to keep myself busy and tie a few loose ends on the work front. A few hours later I was on the bed with my laptop responding to emails, reviewing contracts, etc when Prince came through the bedroom door. Poor guy looked exhausted but I knew he'd fight sleep as long as he could.

He lazily walked over as I shut my laptop and carefully placed it on the floor. He laid across the bed and snuggled his head onto my lap. I always thought he was so cute when he's this tired. He immediately shut his eyes without saying a word which made me giggle. I leaned down and kissed his cheek before tangling my fingers in his hair. This was the only time I was ever able to play in his hair, any other time he won't let me near it in fear that I'd mess it up. Anytime I was free to massage his scalp, I knew he was exhausted.

Not a word was said, I leaned against the headboard gently massaging him allowing him to relax a bit. Now I was second guessing having this conversation. Not that I thought it wouldn't go well, we're clearly both on the same page about wanting a baby, I was just worried that the thought of trying would bring unwanted stress.

"Baby" I said softly, I needed to know if he was even awake first.

"Hmm" he hummed even softer. He wasn't asleep just yet, but he was getting there.

"I was thinking about something..."

"...mhm" he muttered, trying to stay alert.

"About us...trying for a baby"

That got his attention. He popped one eye open staring dead at me which made me laugh abruptly before he shut it again. He's so silly.

"What about it"

"Well.." I started, I was trying to gauge the conversation and wondering if he was even taking me seriously at the moment, or if he was too tired to care. "It usually takes a month or two for the body to adjust and get back to normal after being on the pill...so I was thinking, what if I stopped now? That way it might be easier to conceive after the wedding"

He was silent which made me nervous. He just continued to lay there, as comfortable as can be.

"Why'd you stop playing in my hair?" he asked bluntly. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, wanting to laugh at his trivial question. I purposely held it in because I was irritated at his avoidance. I let my fingers continue their work before he finally said, "Trash the birth control". His eyes were still shut so he couldn't see the wide grin on my face but he probably sensed it. I can't even tell you how long I've been waiting to hear those words...almost just as long as "Will you marry me?"

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