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"Alex wake up." I say nudging my best friend with my hands. He just grumbles and pulls the blanket over his face. I roll my blue eyes and use all my strength to push him off the bed. "Fucking hell!" Alex yells once he lands on the hard wood floor. I hold back a laugh and I get up grabbing my black robe, and some extra clothes. "Luna! Get back here!" Alex yells as I speed walk to the bathroom. I get into the bath that has filled up with steamy water. As I sink into the tub I can hear the radio from the living area. 'The Germans continue there attacks with out any remorse.' I ignore the rest and finish washing up. My brown hair goes up into a nice bun, and I get on a simple grey dress. The bathroom door opens to reveal Alex. I raise my eye brow at him wanting to know what he wants. He doesn't respond right away, he just stares at me with his forest green eyes. It's like he is debating to tell me something, and his eyes seem filled with sadness and remorse. "Hurry up I'm hungry." Alex whines and then leaves. I laugh and walk out following Alex towards my small kitchen. "What do you want?" I ask Alex as he sits at the table looking at the news paper. He grumbles a few things that I can't understand. So I just grab a some pieces of. toast, and then spread some jam on them one by one. "Luna." Alex says gently. I turn around and nod telling him to continue. "I'm enlisting." At those words everything crashed down.

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