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The train stops at Alex, and I's station. Alex gets up and starts to stretch. "Ready love?" Alex asks me smiling. I nod my head and get up. Tommy gets up as well and I give him a tight hug holding back the tears. "Don't be a stranger love." I say kissing his cheek lightly. Tommy rests a hand on my cheek and nods his head smiling. "Never." He says hugging me again. The conductor calls for anyone else to get off before the train starts going again. Alex grabs my hand and I give Tommy one last smile before we exit the train.

People around us are clapping at all if us soldiers who got off the train. I look back and Tommy waves me goodbye as the train starts rolling towards the next station. There are some women around looking frantically for their family, or friends. Some people start breaking down once they come to the truth that there person didn't make it. My heart sinks and Alex squeezing my hand lightly. We squirm passed the big crowd and start walking home. I take off my hat and let my hair fly back down to my shoulders. "I can't wait to take a long bath." I sigh smiling up at the sky. "I can't wait to sleep with you." He says bluntly. I smack his arm and his green eyes widen at what he just said. "No! Not like that! Like actual sleep." He says putting his hands up. I laugh at his reaction and jump onto his back my feet tired. "Onward!" I yell pointing my finger towards home. "Sure thing love." Alex says speed walking towards home.

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