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I walk along in line with all the other boys and men that want to enlist. I keep my hat on to hide my long hair, and I look down to see the new stitching on Alex's pants make them look like they fit me. "Next!" A officer yells making me jump a little, but not enough for anyone to notice. I walk up to the table and the man looks at me, and studies me. I was wearing all of Alex's clothes but his undergarments. My hair was hidden in the hat, and I didn't apply any makeup. "Name." The officer says lazily. "Barton." I say making my voice sound as deep as possible. "Birthdate." He says not even looking at me again. "August 20th 1919." I say using my manly voice again. He nods and gives me this slip, and gives me a small smile. "Welcome to the war son." He says, and then another officer pulls me aside and helps me with all of the detail situations.

five days after

I sit on the train and look out watching the fields and trees blur by. A boy sits across from me and I look up to be greeted by a boy with brown eyes, and hair. "Hi." He says quietly. I nod my head, and pull my hat on tighter. My body shakes at the thoughts of me going into war, and I start to think how am I ever going to find Alex? "Im Tommy." the boy says again. I look at him again and give him a half smile. "Barton." my manly voice says. Tommy nods his head and looks out the window copying my old actions.

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