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"That's because I am a girl, you bloody idiot."

I take off my hat letting my hair go down back to my shoulders. Almost everyone looks at me shocked. "Bloody hell." Some whisper looking at me. Tommy wraps his arms around my waist protectively, and kisses the top of my head. Tommy knows how scared I have been of people finding out that I am a girl. "Stop staring." Alex says lowly. They all do what Alex says scared of him. Can't blame them Alex is a asshole pretty much to everyone.

For what seems like hours no one says a word. Not until water starts to fill the boat. "Fuck!" Alex yells trying to cover the holes. Most of the guys follow his actions. Tommy holds me back shaking his head. "Can this thing still float?" Alex asks the man who owns the boat. "With less weight." He says calmly. "I know who will get off." Alex says sternly looking at Gibson. "Haven't you noticed how he hasn't said a word? He's a bloody German spy." Alex says pointing his gun at Gibson. "Alex stop he saved our life's." I say standing next to Gibson. "Just tell them." Tommy says looking at Gibson pleading. "Yeah tell me." Alex says shoving Gibson with his rifle. "Stop it." I say sternly. "Then you go up there." Alex snaps at me. Tommy shakes his head and pulls me behind him, and I look at Alex shocked. "No, not me. I'm going home. So is Luna so back the hell off." Tommy says getting mad. Alex glares at Gibson and shoves him again with his rifle. "Go." He says rudely. "One person isn't going to be enough." I snap at them. "Well then you will be going next. You shouldn't even be here in the first place." A guy snaps shoving me roughly. "Don't touch her." Tommy growls shoving him away from me. "It's not fair." Tommy says sadly. "Survivals not fair." Alex says to him."France." Gibson says. I look at him and shocked. "A frog. A bloody frog." Alex says throwing his rifle. "He's French he's one of us. He's on our side." Tommy says. "Well who bloody hell is Gibson? Some English soldier you killed." Alex says angry. "How hard is it to find a dead English man on Dunkirk beach?" I snap shoving Alex away from Gibson. Alex glares at me and the sounds of more guns fill my ears, and more water fills up the boat.

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