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"I think for a girl it should be Darcy." Alex says as he drinks his tea. I scrunch up my nose and shake my head. "No, no way in hell." I state eating a small piece of toast. "Why!" Alex whines like a two year old. "Because I wanted to name her Elizabeth." I state wobbling over to the sink. Alex sighs and helps me with the dishes. "Okay love." He says smiling kissing my head. We don't actually know the sex of our baby, but everyone says that it looks like I'm having a girl.

"Why don't you sit down?" Alex says as he sees me wobbling around. "Alex I'm eight months pregnant not dying." I snap my hormones taking control. Alex looks at me and nods his head slowly. "Alex baby, I'm sorry." I say following him as fast as I can.
Alex sits down onto the couch and I sit next to him. He takes my hand in his and smiles lightly at me. "It's okay love. I know you don't mean it." He says kissing me lightly. I pull away from him and smile. "I just want her out." I sigh. Alex laughs and places his hand down on my stomach. He leans down and kisses it lightly and starts talking to our baby. "Hey baby girl. This is Daddy talking to you. I love you so much and I can't wait for you to come out."

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