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I stand on the beach next to Tommy as he looks for a way to get off the beach. Which I find useless because there are 400,000 people stuck on Dunkirk, and only a few boats. I hear a airplane making its warning noise, and Tommy pushes me to the ground hovering over me. Around us the bombs land making the whole ground vibrate. I cling onto Tommy's jacket scared that a bomb with land on us. My fear almost came true when a bomb landed right next to us. I let out a scream and Tommy puts a hand on my mouth to shut up. Once there was no more bombs everyone started to get up, Tommy and I following there actions. "You okay?" He asks me. I nod my head fixing my hat to make sure my hair is still in place. Everyone starts to pick up the dead bodies and move them over, and the medics come over and take the ones still alive, and carry them to the boat. I look at them making me wish that I could be on that boat. Tommy looks at a man on a stretcher and the man starts coughing. Tommy grabs the stretcher and before I could grab the other end, the man from before grabs it. They start running with the man, and I try to follow. As we start going through the people that are on the dock, I start getting stuck behind because I am so bloody short. "Tommy!" I yell in my manly voice once I loose sight of him. I continue to scramble through the large herd of men, to see a hole on the dock. A boy on the other side gives me a reinsuring smile, and I quickly walk across the small board connecting the two ends. They yell and cheer for me, and I continue on. My eyes get a glimpse of Tommy and I run trying to get to him but a officer stops me. "No more people can go on the boat." He says with no emotion. I groan in annoyance, and watch as Tommy gets on the boat with the other dude. Tommy looks back at me and frowns, and then starts to get off the boat. When I blink he disappears. I turn around and start to run back to the beach knowing that it is my safe bet now that Tommy ditched me. I hear the airplanes again and I drop down to the dock along with everyone else. When the bombing ends I look to see the boat start to fall. I place a hand on my mouth so I wouldn't scream out for Tommy. I start to run back to the boat to see men jumping out and swimming in the ocean. I look around in the water hoping to see Tommy but I see no sign of him. I get to the place where the boat was loading then men and I look around for Tommy. "Tommy!" I yell trying my best to sound manly, and not cry. A officer pushes me back little, and tells me to go back to the beach. I follow orders not wanting to get into trouble. I sit on the beach holing back the tears knowing I just lost a very good friend. As I look around the beach I see a familiar face, and quickly run up to him pulling him into a bone crushing hug. "Never do that to me again! I thought you died. Bloody hell Tommy." I say pulling away from him looking at him up and down. He is just drenched in water, and he gives me a small smile. Next to him is the man that carried the dying man with Tommy, and on the other side of Tommy I see a person I could never forget. "Alex."

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