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"Mummy are you up?" George asks. I sit up once I hear my name, and look to see George rubbing his eyes holding the hand of his little sister Elizabeth. Alex wakes up beside me and looks at our two out of four kids. "Hey what's wrong?" He asks getting out of bed grabbing a very tired looking Elizabeth. George runs over to me and crawls in bed with me. "The storm is scary." Our four year old George mumbles hiding under the covers. Once Alex gets in bed our two year old Elizabeth crawls over to me as Alex lyes down in bed. Thunder booms loudly making Lizzy cry from fright and George squeal. I pull George onto my lap, and Alex grabs Lizzy. "I'm scared." George says curling into my chest. "It's okay." I says trailing my fingers in his short brown hair.

Another thunder roars making everyone jump, and then the twins start to scream out. I let out a sigh and try to get up but George makes it very hard. "George we need to get Piper and Peter." I say to him smiling. He nods his head and we walk into the nursery of the twins. I hand George Peter since he is half asleep, and he carefully carries his one year old brother into Alex's and I's room. I grab Piper and she curls up into my chest. She is by far the smallest out of the other three.

I walk into the room to see George and Lizzy curled up in the middle of the bed and Alex lying on his back with a sleeping Peter on his chest. I smile and lye down holding Piper very close to me so she doesn't get rolled on. All I can think is how great full and lucky I am to have this family. "I love you Luna." Alex mumbles inter linking our pinkies. "Love you too." I mumble to him.


"Great Grandma you did not serve in the war. Grandpa George said you did but Great Aunt Elizabeth said don't listen to anything grandpa George says because he is weird." My great granddaughter says sitting on my lap. I laugh and look at the picture of Alex and I with all four of our children. "Oh little Darcy, I did though. Here get comfortable and let me tell you a story from 1940 back when I was 21."

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