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Tommy and I walk back up to the dock. Alex glares over towards us and he notices how swollen our lips are. Alex walks up fuming with anger and punches Tommy right in the face. I gasp and look at Tommy. He gets up from the ground and tackles Alex to the ground. "Bloody hell mate! What was that for?" Tommy yells at Alex. Alex shoves him off of him and tackles him to the ground. "You kissed her! After I bloody told you that I loved her." Alex yells punching Tommy in the face again. Tommy pushes Alex off of him. "You're not the only one who bloody loves her." Tommy says to him. Alex looks at him shocked and looks at me hurt. "I..I didn't know. That you..." I stutter looking between them. I knew Tommy loved me he told me so, but Alex actually loves me more then a friend. Alex walks over to me and looks down at me. "You kissed him?" Alex asks me sounding hurt. "I.. It just happened." I mumble looking away ashamed of myself. "Don't blame her. It was all me." Tommy says getting up from the ground. Alex's eyes start filling up with anger again and I do the one thing that comes to my mind, I kiss him.

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