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"Alex" I say under my breath. Alex doesn't hear me, and Tommy gives me a questioning look. Without thinking, the man I've learned name is Gibson, dumps water on me making me shiver. "Bloody hell, Gibson." I say shivering. Alex laughs and shakes his head. "Come on, they are getting us a new boat." He says before walking towards the dock again. Gibson follows slowly, and Tommy holds me back. "Is that him?" He asks looking into my eyes. I nod my head and hold back the tears. "Why don't you tell him?" Tommy asks me confused. I shrug and start following Gibson and Alex. My mind is wondering in questions that I can't find the answer to. Tommy jogs up next to me, and we all start to get onto a boat. We all go on in a single file line down into the bottom of the boat. Gibson walks forward the nice women lets him. "Go inside, we have tea and food." She says nicely handing me a blanket. I nod my head and take the blanket giving the women a nice smile. Once I get down the stairs all I can see is men, and a few women giving them food, and tea. Tommy hands me a piece of toast covered in red jam. "Where's your other friend?" Alex asks with his mouth full, making me want to laugh but I don't. Alex doesn't look all that different from when he left. His brown hair still short and brown, his forest green eyes are still green, but he looks exhausted and tired. I open my mouth to say something but Tommy beats me to it. "He's looking for a way out." I nod my head agreeing with Tommy. Alex smiles making me smile a little. My body moves over towards the stairs wanting to get out feeling all crowded. "Stay down here." A women says giving me a look. I don't move my feet still wanting to stay by the stairs incase if something happens which most likely will. The boat shakes and everyone starts screaming as water files in. My eyes search around for Alex and Tommy hoping to find them. I take one last breath of air before I am placed underwater. My small hands try to open the door wanting to get out. My vision starts to get blurry, and my lungs start to burn. A miracle happens and the door opens and I fall into the cold ocean. The life jacket around my neck and shoulders helps me float above the water. I cough up the water from my lungs gasping for air. "Tommy!" I yell looking around for him or Alex. I start to panic and swim around looking for him. "Barton!" A oh so familiar voice yells. I look to my right to see Tommy and Alex swimming. A breath of relief leaves my mouth and I start to swim towards them. There are life boats grabbing men from the water. "Let us on." Alex says rudely. The man replies with something we don't want to hear. "You can't just leave us here!" Alex yells getting angry. "Im sorry, we will come back." The man says the life boat starts to go away. Tommy looks at me concerned, and I look at Gibson with pleading eyes to do something to help us. Gibson nods his head and throws a rope out of the boat. I smile and grab part of the rope handing it to Tommy, who hands some to Alex. We trail behind the life boat until we reach the beach.

I try my best to run as far as I can from the ocean before Tommy stops me. "Barton lets sleep here." Alex says lying down on the sand. Tommy and Gibson follow his lead and I sit next to the right side of Alex. "Alex we need to talk." I say quietly. Alex looks at me confused but nods his head getting up. I walk a little ways with Alex from Tommy and let out a sigh. "You can't freak out." I say as I pull off my hat, that has miraculously stayed onto my head, And let my shorter brown hair fall down to my shoulders. "Fucking hell, Luna?"

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