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Everyone starts to go over and try to plug the holes as much as the can. I stand close to Tommy not wanting to be near Alex. Tommy holds my right hand in his left one interlinking our fingers together. The boat starts to fill up more and more, and everyone starts to abounded the boat. Tommy grips my hand tighter and starts swimming towards the latter. I let go of his hand and tap Gibson's shoulder. "Come on!" I yell gasping for air. Alex starts to pull me behind him, and I keep on trying to look for Gibson to see if he is following us. We swim under water holding our breath and the life jackets pull us to the surface. I gasp for breath and Alex pulls me closely to him. "We need to go come on." He says starting to swim towards a boat. I shove him away from me angrily. "Don't touch me." I snap at him. Alex looks at me shocked and rolls his eyes. I notice the black stuff on everyone in the water and my blue eyes widen in horror. Oil, and oil in a war zone is a death wish waiting to happen.

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