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It was like time froze around me. He loved me? Alex loves me? I'm in my own little world not noticing anything around me. My mind is racing with questions. I feel so light headed. "Okay enough you two! Come on love lets get you some tea you look like you just say a ghost." A nice old man says gently. His hands gently place on my shoulder and he starts walking towards the bottom of the boat. My feet stop not wanting to go down. "It's alright love nothing is going to happen." He says leading me down below.

A bunch of men look at me eyes wide and a shocked look on there face. My eyes go over to a body that looks like a boy. A hand goes over my mouth. He wasn't breathing or moving. "He's just a boy." I say sadly looking away. "He was a brave boy." The nice man says. I look closer to him and let out a scream. It was George! George is or was my little cousin, I used to watch him when he was a little kid. The man looks at me confused as I go over and sit on my knees. I move his black hair out of his face and some tears fall down onto his forehead. "How?" I ask looking up at the man. "He fell and hit the pipe with his head." The old man says gently. "Do you know him?" He asks me. "He's my cousin." I sigh and the man looks at me shocked. "You're Luna?" The man asks I nod my head and kiss George's forehead before standing up. George was the only person I told about me sneaking into the war. He supported me 100 percent.

The man wraps a blanket around me and brings me to a little room with life jackets stacked in there. Tears stream down my face as the picture of George dead fills my mind. I sit down and try to control my breathing. The nice man gives me a small smile and leaves getting my tea closing the door behind him.

It was a few minuets before the door opens to reveal the blonde blue eyed teenager. "Here's you tea." He says handing me the tea cup and small plate. I take it and he was about to leave before I stop him. "Please stay, I don't want to be alone." I say gently my voice a little raspy. The boy nods and sits next to me. "You're very brave to fight in the war." He says looking at me. "Thank you. You're very brave to come out here to help." I say giving him a smile. I take a sip of the warm tea sighing. "I'm Peter." He says. "Luna." I say smiling at him. "You were George's cousin?" He asks me. I nod my and sigh. "He knew you were fighting in the war, that's one reason why he wanted to come with." Peter sighs. "He was always brave, and I love him for that. I'll never forget him." I state giving Peter a side hug. "Who are those two guys who were arguing. Now they are just giving each other death glares." Peter says smirking at me. I roll my eyes and sigh. "One is my best friend since childhood. I mean I love him but he doesn't know. And the other he is a friend that stuck by me and kept my secret while we were fighting the war." I say sighing at the thought of them hating each other. "Why don't you just tell him you love him?" Peter asks. "It's more complicated then that."

A/N SO YOU GUYS I LOVE GEORGE SO TWEET OUT #RIPblindgeorge to show our support!

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