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"Luna please don't cry." Alex pleads as we stand outside of the train at the train station. Alex is all dressed up in his nice army uniform, and his brown hair is still managing to look perfect as always. I nod my head understanding what he is saying not trusting my voice. "Promise me you won't die." I say quietly. Alex pulls me into a bone crushing hug, and I hug him back scared to let him go. "I promise. I'll be home before you know it love. I swear." He says pulling away. For once in our entire friendship I have never seen or heard Alex be so sentimental. I just nod my head again holding back the tears. People all around us are saying there goodbyes to there, sons, husbands, boyfriends, friends, brothers, and you can hear and see the sadness everyone is holding in. "Im representing my country mum." a boy said hugging his mum one last time before getting on the train. The train whistle goes off warning that it was about to leave. Alex looks into my eyes, and I look back into his. "You're my best friend. My only family Luna, and I promise I'll come home." Alex says kissing my forehead gently. "I love you Alex." I say quietly my voice cracking as I say those for words. "I love you too love." He says before getting onto the train that may lead him to his death. I know that he didn't mean it in the way I did. Alex doesn't know how I really feel about him, he only thinks that it is as a friend.

twenty days after

I sit in my kitchen alone. The house is so silent now that Alex left. All I can think about is if he is okay, or if he is still alive. The radio speaks out breaking the silence talking about how they need more men in the army against Germany. How America isn't doing anything to help us in the war. I roll my blue eyes and shut the radio off. My feet bring me to Alex's room and I let out a sigh. Everything is still where it was before he left. My eyes just keep on looking around and I look in his closet seeing all of his clothes still in tact, and thats when the idea pops into my head. Im going to enlist in the army.

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