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I see a bright light and I start coughing up the water from my lungs. "She's alive." A small boy voice says. I continue coughing up water trying to let air back in my lungs. "There's a girl on board!" A man yells making me groan from the volume of his voice. I hear a lot of footsteps running towards me and I look up to be greeted with two people in front of my face. A man with blonde hair and blue eyes, and then a teenage boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. I notice the man is wearing an air force outfit. "You're on the bloody wrong part of he world." I sigh making him laugh.

"Luna!" I hear a familiar voice yell. I sit up quickly looking around for the owner of the voice. "Alex!" I yell standing up looking around. Two arms wrap around my waist and I turn around shocked. My blue eyes are greeted with the very familiar green eyes. "Luna." He whispers moving my down hair out of my face. "Where's Tommy?" I ask looking around. Alex smile drops and he moves his head over and there I see Tommy. I run out of Alex's arms and jump onto Tommy. My legs wrap around his waist and my arms around his neck. "I thought you died." He whispers. "I did too." I laugh and Tommy laughs wrapping his arms around my waist and spins me around.
"Alright let go of her." Alex says mad. Tommy gently puts me down and I look at Alex confused. "What's your problem mate?" Tommy asks just as confused as I am. "Just stop touching her like your a couple." Alex says pushing Tommy away from me. "Why? It's not like you're a couple. You left her alone to fight in the war, you ditched her once you found out she came all this way for you! You threatened her to get off the boat when she was standing up for a friend. You don't care about her!" Tommy yells at Alex shoving him. My eyes widen at Tommy shocked that he actually said that to Alex. "I went into the army so that I could fight for our country to make sure the Germans don't come and invade it! I walked away from her so that I wouldn't yell or scream at her because I didn't want her here to get killed! I didn't mean what I said on the boat! I was angry and I got caught in the moment! You don't know her like I do! We grew up together! We are each others only family! So stop pretending like you know her because you bloody don't! I love her more then you would ever know! So back the fuck off!"

Through The War *Dunkirk*Where stories live. Discover now