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My eyes start to drop as the boat sways side to side. It's so peaceful, and not a lot of people are talking. I just can't wait until I go and sleep in my own bed, and take a bath to wash off all of the dirt. The door starts to open and I lift my head up thinking that it is Peter but it is Tommy.

"Hey." He says gently sitting down next to me. I crawl onto his lap and curl into a ball. My knees are to my chest and my arms wrap around them, and my head rests on Tommy's chest. Tommy wraps his arms around my cold body holding me  against his warm one. "I'm sorry." He whispers. I just nod my head tiredly. "You should go to sleep." Tommy says kissing my head. "I can't, what if something happens and I need to swim. Or you or Alex start fighting again." I state yawning. Tommy lets out a sigh. "Luna I'm really sorry. I promise I won't fight with Alex, but you need to sleep love. You haven't slept for two days." Tommy says lifting my chin so I can look into his eyes. "I can't." I say again.
Tommy and I just stare at each other and my eyes flicker to his lips. We both start to lean in and our lips are millimeters apart. "Are you okay with this?" Tommy asks quietly. "Yes." I whisper, and then our lips connect.

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