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Once we can see the loading dock Tommy grabs a hat putting it on me. Alex gives him a thankful nod. "No one tell about Luna! Or so help me you would wish you died at Dunkirk!" Alex yells to everyone on the boat. Peter walks over to me and gives me a sad smile. "Good luck." He told me. I pull him into a short hug. "Good luck to you." I whisper kissing his cheek. Peter starts to blush and walks away. Alex gives me a questioning look but I just wave him off. The boat pulls up to the dock, and everyone starts getting out one by one.

"Bloody hell how many do you got in there?" A person asks. "More then you could have saved." I snap using my manly voice. The older man gives me a thankful look and I nod back at him winking. Two people come out carrying a stretcher with a blanket over it. Alex makes me look away before I start breaking down crying.

We walk in line and get a blanket and food. "Good job." A very very old man says looking down handing everyone a blanket. "Good job." He says to Alex. "All we did was survive." He says confused. "Well that's enough." The old man says handing Alex his blanket. I go next and the old man places a hand on my face. "I may be blind and old but I know that you're a very brave girl." He whispers to me handing me a blanket. "Good job." He finishes and I follow Alex onto the train. My eyes widen at how that man knew.

I sit next to Alex and place my head on his shoulder. Tommy sits in front of us making Alex pull me closer to him. Tommy smiles and shakes his head and I just wink at Tommy playfully. "That old geezer wouldn't even look us in the eye." Alex says his eyes turning red like he is about to cry. "He was blind Alex." I say gently rubbing his arm up and down. Alex sighs and looks out the train car window after he wraps an arm around my shoulder pulling me half onto him. I close my eyes hoping to get some sort of sleep.

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