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Tommy rests one of his hand on my cheek and the other on my waist pulling me closer to him. I move so I am now straddling his waist and he kisses me harder. My arms go around his neck and pull him closer to me. Are lips move in sync and Tommy grips onto my waist. His lips move onto my jaw and then start trailing down my neck. I let out a sigh and move my head giving him more access. His teeth gently nip at my skin and I bite my lip trying to hold in a moan. Tommy lifts me up and he walks over putting my back against the wall. My legs wrap around his waist not wanting to fall.

"You're beautiful." He whispers in my ear making me shiver. Our lips connect again and I run my hands through his soft brown hair pulling on it every now and then. Tommy groans and starts to take off his shirt, we pull away for a second so that he can fully get his shirt up. I run my hands along his chest and abs. Tommy starts taking my shirt off but I stop him and pull away breathlessly. He looks at me worried. "I've never done you know it before." I whisper ashamed. Tommy nods his head understanding. "It's okay Luna. Don't be ashamed." He whispers to me smiling lightly. I kiss his lips again slowly, pulling him closer if that is even possible. "I'm just not ready." I say pulling away. "I understand, I don't want to put you any uncomfortable position." He says kissing my lips again. I nod my head and smile. "Thank you." I whisper. "Of course love." He says kissing my cheek. Tommy sets me down lightly and puts back on his shirt. Tommy leaves closing the door lightly behind him. I let out a sigh and sit down. "What just happened?" I ask putting my head in my hands sadly.

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