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"Luna, wake up Luna." I hear as my body is being shock. "You bloody idiot move over you're going to break her." A deep voice says, and all of a sudden I hear Alex's voice. "Luna love, you need to get up okay. It was just a bad dream." Alex says calmly. I open my blue eyes and squint due to the sudden sunlight. Alex leans over examine me making sure I am okay. "You tried to kill me. You hate me." I cry tears streaming down my face. Alex sighs and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. "No love. I could never hate you. You're my best friend Luna, my only family. I was just mad that you came here." Alex says stroking my hair. Tom looks around and hands me my hat and I put it on giving him a smile. "Thank you Tommy." I say giving him a bright smile. Tommy nods and we all sit back on the beach. I rest my head on Tommy's shoulder and let out a sigh. Alex glances over to us every once in a while, and there is a emotion in his eye that I can't make out. Tommy interlinks our fingers and kisses my hand making me giggle like a school girl. This is normal between Tommy and I, its not flirting or anything its just what we do. "Luna come over here." Alex says lowly so no one around us could hear us. I give Tommy a smile before I get up and walk towards Alex. Alex grabs my arm roughly and pulls me down next to him. "Ouch Alex that bloody hurt." I say rubbing my arm which now feels like has been ripped out of its socket. "Are you with Tommy?" Alex asks looking towards the ocean. "We are friends nothing more why. Are you jealous?" I ask smirking at him. Alex scoffs and shakes his head no. He clenches his jaw and continues looking at the ocean.
There are four men walking somewhere looking specious. Alex jogs over to them Gibson, Tommy, and I following. "Where are you going?" Alex asks. "There is a boat. We are going to wait in there for when the tide comes." He answers and we start walking to the boat with them. The boat wasn't big it was a fishermen's boat, and it was the colors of blue and white. We all get into the bottom of the boat which luckily wasn't crowded like the last one had been. "Now what?" Someone asks. "We wait for the tide." I reply sitting next to Tommy closely. Alex gives Tommy a dirty look and carefully grabs me by the waist and brings me closer to him. I don't know how he did it without anyone noticing not even Tommy. "Jealous." I whisper in his ear smirking. Alex rolls his green eyes at me but leaves his hand on my waist holding me closely.

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