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I sit in my bedroom and look at the calendar counting the days since I had gotten my last monthly visit. Last time I fully remember was in August, and it is now October. Alex was at the bakery working his usual shift. My eyes widen as all the puzzle pieces come together. I let out a laugh and smile. I grab my sweater and run a few streets towards the doctor.

The door opens as a patient walks out smiling. He holds the door open for me and I give him a thankful smile. The doctors office was completely empty making it very peaceful. A nurse looks at me and smiles. "Can I please talk to the doctor?" I ask her. She nods her head and walks me into my own little check up room. I sit alone for a few minuets before the doctor walks in with the same nurse smiling at me. "Well hello Luna. How may I help you?" Doctor Eric asks me. "I think I'm pregnant. I would like a test done please Doctor Eric." I say politely. He smiles at me and starts to do some tests.

After a few hours I sit in the waiting room very impatiently. My knee bounces up and down. Doctor Eric walks out with papers in his hand smiling at me. "Congratulations." Is all he says before I grab the papers and run to the bakery.

The little bell dings as I run into the bakery. Alex is cleaning off the counter and he looks at me confused. I jump up onto him hugging him tightly. Everyone around us laughs and Alex still looks at me confused. "I'm pregnant!" I scream happily. His green eyes widen as he sets me down and looks at the paper reading it. He smiles and hugs me spinning me in a circle. "WE'RE PREGNANT!" He screams happily. Everyone claps for us and I kiss him smiling. "We're having a baby."

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