Music Without Sound

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Music Without Sound

Have you ever heard of such a thing

as music without sound?  I have,

and I’ve been searching all around

to maybe see what it is myself.

I looked in a city, around bustling

cars, super tall buildings, behind

shops, in dark alleyways, but I

still had no luck in my search.

I looked in a little town, searched

through streets, knocked on doors

and asked around if anyone had

heard music without sound.  No luck.

I searched out in the country,

through woods and fields, until

I came across a man, painting

a landscape.  He waved me over.

I searched the man’s eyes, and

though his painting.  His picture

sang, his eyes laughed, the colors

danced.  I found music without sound.


I figured I'd just be a nerd and someow connect this poem to the last poem of my previous poetry book Flowers in the Snow. If you haven't read it yet, go ahead and check it out. I'd really appreciate it if you did.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy, I'll try to update my poetry regularly.  Summer break's coming up, so that should be easier for me to do again.  I love all you wattys :3

Over and out


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