Apple Of My Eye

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Apple Of My Eye

The object of my affection

The apple of my eye

These very things

Shall be my demise

I yearn for them

I miss them every day

Yet something had to

Come a long and

Sweep my dear away

The object of my affection

Lost in a swirl of gray

Someday maybe

I’ll catch him

And sweep him away


last poem until i get home

will you believe it? I was sitting there typing away and then the librarian came up and said uif i was gogin to type i had to move to her office because i was typnig too loud =.='

Granetd people were testingm, but really?  typing too loud gogin to make them fail?  Well i bet halfof them can't even type a good 30 wpm =.=  dumb a's

now i'm kinda pissed, and sodaq isn't helpign the matter

but.... yeah

more poems later, hopefully, if i get around to uploading them

over and out


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