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Gloating, a very bad habit

Some gloat for themselves

Like little kids, showing off

Their block tower,

Or other minor accomplishments

"Mine's bigger than yours."

"Look at my picture!"

"Isn't it pretty?"

But the worst kind of gloating there is

Is when a parent gloats about their child

Making their accomplishments their own

And why? Just because they raised them

They've no right to take credit

So why do they do this?

They can't accomplish anything

On their own, so they resort

To taking their child's work

"I raised him."

"Look at my kid."

"My kid is smarter."

The worst kind of gloating comes

From a parent without accomplishment

Instead of taking credit for others

They should make something of themselves






angry writing, fueld by caffeine D; grrrr, yeah, i hate parents like ther\se, my mom happens to be one ofd them. WE're still new in the community she moved to sh\o she wants to make a good impression and she only takes interest in me when i do simething (,liek when i got a letter that my one poem "Train of Thought" was being published and we went to AP night at my school , she kept trying to show off beccause she "raised me" and then I had to point out that it wasn't published yet and that I'd only gotten the letter to say it would be published and she got pissed.) I'm not her, my accomplism\hments aren't hers, and this is why I shouldnt' drink pop so early in the morning.

But yeah, Dr Pepper is amazing pop pop pop pop pop

So more poems for you

I pologize for the long rant, this happens when i get hyper so early in the morning

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