I'm Not Your Friend

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I'm Not Your Friend

I'm not you're friend,

It's all just pretend

I know what you do

I know what you've done

You've done it to me,

Now it's my turn to have fun

I'm not you're friend

It's all a game of pretend

I've got a plan

To exact upon you my revenge

But it's not just for me,

It's for everyone else, too

I'm not you're friend

You should know that now

From where you lay upon the ground

You say you're scared?

Well I don't care

This is revenge. We're not friends

We're not friends

Nothing more to pretend

You're gone and not coming back

Stay away from Susan, Jack and Mike

And Allie and Reah, you hurt them, too

But there's no need to worry

I got revenge

For my friends


muahaha, hyperness and a free hour in school..... know what time it is? that's right, POETRY time :D

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