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Inspiration from the video above :D

Mood: Happy, Sad

//A world where is no any magic AU//


Gray was called in the army half a year ago. I was living alone in our shared apartment since then. We couldn't talk because the people above Gray feared that if the soldiers talk to their loved ones, they'll escape. I miss him. So much. But I'm optimistic that he's alive and kickin'. He is supposed to come home in 3 months. I'm more and more worried and I began to more and more miss him. I know he is saving the country and anything... but he's my little ice prince. I say that because he LOVES ice cubes, ice creams and like, anything ice related.

We ice-skated a lot. Went skiing, eating ice cream. Hehe, he is a really CHILL guy. ((Get it?)) He always FROZE my brain down with his ice-related puns. Like, "Ice to see you!" or  "Ice-talavista, baby.", very often he said, "I don't think snow, Natsu". Altho, his puns are pretty bad and tiring, I miss them.

Someone knocks on the door. I wonder who is it at 11:30 pm. I stand up from the couch and walk to the door. I open it so see Lucy smiling from ear to ear. "Hey, Luce. What do you wanna?" I ask her. I was going to bed, but I guess I'll fit her before that. "Change into street clothes! We're going out!" She said, letting herself in. "Wait, stop your wheels for a sec. Where to? Why didn't you told me before? How long will we be there?" I asked, making more questin bubbles appear in my head. "Out. Because. For a while." She gave me the answer, that doesn't answer any of my questions normally. "Just, trust me, okay? YoU'll LOVE it!" She smiled brightly.

I sighed and walked into the bedroom to change.  Lucy started a phone call while I changed my Pyjamas to a plain black shirt with black pullovers, that had fire symbols on its end at my waist. I got up jeans and brushed my hair. I walked out, meeting the smiling Lucy. "Let's go already! We don't have all night!" She said, dragging me to the door. I got up my red shoes with white shoelaces. I got my phone and keys in my pocket. When we were in the hallway before our apartment, I closed the door, turning the key twice. It was 11:45 now.

We walked out of the building and Lucy put on me a blindfold. "Trust me! Like this, it'll be 100% better!" She said I could hear the smile in her voice. She and I walked down, like 3 streets. She made me go into 2 trashcans and a tree on the way there. "Can we avoid objects from now on?" I joked after crashing into another tree. "Aye, aye. I'm sorry, okay? Just, let's go!" She said. We walked about 5 more minutes when we stopped. "It's 0:01 am! Happy birthday, Natsu!" She smiled. "Thanks, Luce..."I said. 

Gray didn't miss my birthday before...never, no matter what he was doing... But I guess the soldiers won't let him go home just for a birthday... "What's wrong, Natsu?" Lucy made me snap out of my thoughts.

--No one's POV--

"Nothing... Just that Gray didn't any of my birthdays before... I miss him so much, I could die in it." Natsu sighed. Lucy was all excited and powered her camera. She filmed down the sighing Natsu. 'Well, we arrived! You can take off the blindfold now!" Lucy said. Natsu took off his blindfold. The light made him close his eyes for a moment. He looked around and didn't see a thing. He was in a lighted room, nothing in it.

Then, he felt strong arms around his waist and gasped. A deep, gentle voice whispered in his ear. "Happy Birthday, babe" Natsu stood shocked for a moment. Then, he teared up and turned around in the taller male's hug. "Gray.." He said in a shaky and happy voice. He hugged Gray's neck and sobbed into his shoulder. "I missed you... really damn much..." Natsu said between sobs. Gray chuckled a bit. "Me too, Natsu," He said back. THey held each other in a loving embrace for a while, then Gray grabbed Natsu's chin and leaned in, closing his eyes. Natsu closed his eyes too, what still had tears of joy in them. 

Their lips slowly connected. Nothing sexual happened, just pure love and happiness. Then, they pulled away and hugged tightly again. "I can't believe you're home...alive...healthy..." Natsu sobbed. Gray rubbed circles on his back, calming him. "I'm here, Natsu...And not planning on leaving again" 


I planned a sadder ending, but this is good for you. After the other one-shot I published today, you deserve a breath of fresh, happy air.

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