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Prepare! This is what happens when a Fujoshi is horny at 1 in the morning!.

Mood: Jealous (Of course), Horny


--No one's POV--

Natsu was walking on the streets of Magnolia, heading to the meeting point where he and his boyfriend, Gray will meet. But not far from the place, he was stopped by a certain blonde. "Hey, Natsu-san!" Natsu irritatedly turned around and faked a smile to him, greeting him back. "Hey... Sting... What do you want?" Natsu asks politely. Sting moves closer, making Natsu take a step back. Then, another step forward, but now Natsu's back hit the wall behind him.

"S--Sting! Stop it! I--I have a meeting with---" Natsu was cut off by Sting forcefully kissing him. Natsu looked angered and tried to push him off, but failed. When Sting leaned back, he gropes Natsu's ass. Natsu gasps at that. Then, a loud "What are you doing, Bastard?!" Could be heard as the angered raven boy ran towards them. Natsu quickly shoved Sting on the ground and looked at Gray, his face all red.

"G--Gray! This isn't what it looks like!" Gray forcefully took Natsu's wrist and dragged him to their home. 'Oh ohhh.... I angered him... I won't come out of it better than last time... Dammit, that time I couldn't stand for days.' Natsu thought, shivering at the thought. When they arrived, Gray opened the door, then locked when both were inside. He shoved Natsu on their couch and walked up and down. "Gray! Let me explain! It was a--" "Shut!" Gray almost yelled. He sat beside Natsu, really close and looked at him. "Am I not enough? What were you doing with Sting there?" Gray made a deadly aura, making Natsu flinch. "Sting was--" "I don't need excuses!" Gray cut off him again. "If you could let me tell yo--Ouch!" Gray shoved Natsu on the couch, looking him in the eyes.

"Only I can make you scream with only several touches! I know where you like to be hit inside of you! No one knows your body better than me! If you don't believe it, I'll prove it!" Gray said, pulling Natsu's shirt off. "Wait--Gray! You--You don't need to prove it! I know it---" He was cut off again by a kiss. It wasn't forceful, but desperate. After a while, Gray pulled back. "I'll prove it! I don't care about your excuses! I'll hear you out after it!" Gray said. 'ONLY IF YOU WOULD F*CKING HEAR ME OUT DAMMIT!' Natsu thought. Then, all of his thoughts vanished in the thin air as he felt cold touches at his sweet spots. His head got super red, his eyes half open. He moaned loudly and panted afterwards.

"G--hah Gray... I'm---Ahhh~ I'm sor--ry...P--Please Ahh! hear me o--out... Hah" Natsu tried to speak clearly but was unable to. Gray was only touching his chest at some points, but Natsu was already turned on and trembling like crazy. Gray knew exactly where to touch and how to touch his chest to make him literally screaming. "See? I only touched some of your sweet spots and you're already a mess~. I'll continue. Tomorrow, we will have a talk." Gray said. He took off his own shirt and leant beside Natsu's head. He whispered in his ear "You're all mine~ No one else's~ Remember your lesson today~" And bit Natsu's ear -What was REALLY sensitive-, making Natsu moan louder.

"Should I continue lower?~" Gray seduced Natsu. Natsu couldn't give a proper answer, he could only moan, pant, whimper sometimes and give out other sexy sounds. Gray slowly pulled Natsu pants and boxers down, leaving him naked. When Natsu felt that his lower body is uncovered, he gasped and said. "N--No! Gray--please le--t me----Aaaaaahh~~~~" Natsu moaned a loud one when Gray licked his sweet spots on his already rock-hard member.

When Gray started to deep throat Natsu -exactly how Natsu likes it- Natsu literally moaned his voice out. He teared up in pleasure as pre-cum flew out of his tip. Gray took out Natsu for a second, sucked on his own 3 fingers and continued to pleasure Natsu. Then, he put one finger inside him, making him gasp in surprise, Gray pressed gently inside his sweet spots. "G--Ahh!--Gr--Nnngh~--Gra---Hah, *panting* Gray" He could only say that much before turning back into a moaning-panting mess.

When Natsu was close, Gray saw that and put a cock ring on him. Knowing that this'll keep Natsu feeling pleasure for longer. He put a second finger in, scissoring him. Natsu's grip on the covers loosened as his strength started to fade away. "Gra---stop..." He whispered so quietly, Gray didn't hear it. By now, Natsu cried harder from pleasure what slowly started to turn into pain from the cock ring and that Gray put 3 fingers inside him. "Plea--se...stop..." Natsu said it, now a little louder. Gray still didn't hear it. "Gray...." Natsu said it, now Gray hearing him. "Yes, Natsu?" He said it, in a teasing voice. "" Natsu said it loud enough to Gray to hear. "You say that but your body says it other---" Gray didn't finish his sentence before he felt his back hitting the floor.

Natsu got all of his remaining strength and tossed Gray off of himself, onto the ground. He fell back on the couch and got off the cock ring, then he came. He panted hard. "Ouch! Why did you toss me on the floor?!" Gary asked, irritated as he stood up. "Because...hah... I said you to... hah... stop! You made me... hah... feel pain!" Natsu raised his voice a bit. Only now did Gray noticed that Natsu cried hard and not because of the pleasure. He looked down, feeling ashamed of attacking his lover like that. He walked to Natsu and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry Natsu... I didn't mean to hurt you... I was just sad and angry that someone kissed you..." He said. "If you would hear me out at the beginning, you would understand!" Natsu said. He gently backed so they looked in the eyes of each other.

"Sting kissed me by force... I didn't kiss back, neither enjoy it, okay? I love you, Gray... not Sting" Natsu said in a calming voice. Gray sighed and believed to Natsu. "Next time, I'll listen to you, okay? I love you too, Natsu..." Gray said and hugged Natsu gently.


Thank you for reading my book! It means a lot to me! I'm looking forward to writing for you guys, bye!

*bows and waves as walks away*

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