Lied too long

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"Natsu, are you okay? You seem a little down

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"Natsu, are you okay? You seem a little down..." Same question every time, just in different sentences. "I am just a little blue, it will go away" the same lie every time, just in different forms.

He always boiled up his emotions, putting them aside. Lying if needed to keep his friends out of his problems. He long ago realised the truth: No one really cares about his inner, true Natsu. Everyone cares about his outer side, the fake, lied Natsu. 

Natsu never planned to share his feelings. He considered them troublesome to others. No one cared enough to know the truth, then no one will know it. This is how it been in the past years. Every since Igneel left, he felt like an unpleasant trouble on everyone's back. When he arrived, his fake self-started to build up. Everyone formed it a little. Until the ideal friend, "brother", saviour and bravest Natsu Dragneel formed.

He never cried. Though his heart born his tears so much, he never cried. It started to get out of hand, but he managed it. 

His signature sentence, "I'M FIRED UP!" was his opposite. The fire inside him no longer existed. There was a big pool of tears, emotions swimming in it.

Until one day, all his lies crumbled into dust...The cage around the true Natsu fell down in pieces...

It happened on a normal day...

"Hey, Natsu! Wanna something?" Mira smiled. Natsu smiled back, his big goofy, heartwarming, fake smile. "Sure! Gimme something to drink!" He said, smiling. Mira turned around and got our some beer, pouring something in it? Natsu shrugged it off, she probably made some new recipe. She gave it to Natsu, who gladly accepted it.

He began a funny story, he made up to Gray, who sat next to Natsu. When Natsu lifted the glass, the guild suddenly grew a bit too silent. Natsu shrugged it off, considering it that everyone is out of subjects to discuss. He gulped down the tasty liquid and stood up, placing the glass on the counter. He suddenly wanted to be alone. 

To be home...To cut. He turned around and he felt his smile fade, against his will. He panicked and started to leave when Gray stood between him and the door. Natsu felt that his smile completely faded and he fast looked down, to cover it. Suddenly, he felt weak on his legs. He looked up and Gray in confusion.

"I'm sorry, Natsu. Mira gave you a liquid that brings you out. It makes you do, what the real you would do. So, you will stay and be yourse3lf. I had enough of your white lies." He said, looking blankly at Natsu.

"Let me...go home...Please" Natsu mumbled. "Please...I am just trying to protect you all..." He said. He already felt like something in him broke. He had to go home...NOW.

He fell on his knees. "We just want to see what you've hidden from us" Lucy spoke from behind Natsu.

Natsu stared before him,  then his mouth spoke on its own. Exactly what he was thinking. "I am worthless... weakling... an ugly b*tch... filth... not enough... pain on everyone's back... I'm... urge to cut..." He mumbled. Only Gray heard these, others just heard things like "I'm" or "not". Gray lowered down to Natsu. The salmon haired male's heart started to let it out.


Natsu's tears started to get out. He stared before himself as the tears fell. "Cut what?" Gray said, in a soft voice. Natsu looked at his sleeves, then back at Gray. " take the pain away..." Natsu said. Loud enough so the guild heard it too. Gray hugged Natsu, smoothing his back. "It's going to be Okay, Natsu...we are here for you...I am here for you..." He whispered. Natsu hiccupped and buried his in Gray's shoulder as hugged the taller male back, tightly. 

"no...Nothing will be okay...never...I will never be better...I should just straight off die..." He sobbed into Gray's neck.

 "I'm not fired up at all...I never was...I...I" Natsu's heart let all the weight of tears out in one go. "Shh...It's okay..." Gray smoothed him gently. 

Until Natsu wasn't done...Gray didn't move an inch...


A short one, I know. Xmas is on my neck, so I can't more.

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