Raped, shot 2: "Sting's" child

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After 2 weeks or so after the *uh uhm* with Sting, he completely vanished. Not even Rouge knew where he was. Natsu tried to forget the events. Gray helped him in that too. Knowing that Natsu had a shock during sex, Gray didn't try to touch Natsu that way to help him this way as well. THe 2 weeks were peaceful. Gray decided to send Natsu to a psychologist so he can speak to someone professional from the happened things. The pink haired one was getting better and better every day. 

Until 1 and a half months after the event. That time around, Natsu thought he was just sick. He threw up much time, felt extremely hungry to anything crazy and he had emotional roller-coaster too. Gray grew worried and took him to the hospital. 

"Please wait outside Mr Fullbuster" Gray was told. He sat outside, worried for Natsu. After 15 minutes, a nurse came up to him and walked him inside.The doctor stood next to some pictures, studying them. Gray thought it was some un-curable sickness and Natsu'll die. But oh man, he misunderstood.

"Mr Fullbuster" The doctor turned to him. "Can I talk to you? Alone?" Gray nodded and they walked out of the room. "I'm sorry for the question but is my patient a... transgender?" Gray was caught off guard with that question. "N--No he isn't. Why?" Gray now was more confused than a turtle in the middle of a highway. "I know this doesn't have to do with me neither, but... did he had sexual interaction with someone in the past 2 months?" the doctor asked.

Gray looked confused for a moment. "he did. He was raped 1 and a half months ago."  Gray looked at the doctor. The tall man, with brown hair, looked sad. "I'm sorry then... But he is pregnant." Gray's face showed many emotions. Surprise, sadness, anger but happy too. "Does he know it?" Gray asked. The doctor shook his head. "Should we not tell him and do abortion, sir?" the doctor asked. Gray shook his head. "Maybe, it's not my child, but I'm still happy I'll be a father." Gray smiled. The doctor went inside, got the stuff he had to for the report and left. Gray walked inside, smiling. Natsu looked at him and grew curious. "What is it?" the dragon slayer asked curiously. "Natsu... I don' know how to tell this..." Gray's smile left his face by now. "Natsu... you're pregnant..." Natsu paled. "It's..." Natsu looked down and held his stomach. "Sting's DNS, yes... but it's still ours! That asshole doesn't have to do with it!" Gray said to brighten the mood.

"Gray... do you think we should... keep it?" Natsu looked up. "Natsu, whatever I say... it's your choice. It's your decision... But whatever you decide, I'll support you in any way I can!" Gray said, smiling childishly. Natsu smiled back and said. "Then, I'll keep it! We can start a family then!"

xXxXx Timejump 6 months brought to you by Sabertooth xXxXx

"Graaaay~ I need a hug!" Natsu hugged Gray from behind. "Woah, Natsu. Is everything alright?" Gray tried to hug him back. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!" Natsu suddenly lets go of Gray. "Always acting on your own... so selfish..." Natsu said, walking way in the next room. "Only one month left, Gray" Gray said to himself while holding himself back from beating up Natsu.  He heard a gasp from the other room and a vase breaking to pieces on the floor. He ran into the room, seeing Natsusupporting himself to stand, at the place where the vase was. "Gray... my amniotic fluid broke..." Natsu breathed out while making sounds in agony. Gray began to panic. First, he called an ambulance, they said they'll be there in 2 minutes since they lived nearby a hospital. 

When the ambulance arrived, Natsu was making louder and louder sounds of agony. he was packed in the car, Gray following and holding his hand. "Since He's a male, there is no way for the baby to come out. It tries trough the guts, but it doesn't work. We need to cut it out, or else both of them die." Gray was told. He paled for a moment but gained himself as they arrived in the hospital. "I'll be waiting outside... Be sure to make it alive, Natsu!" Gray said. Natsu smiled weakly, before screaming another one in agony.

After an hour, Gray was worried. Overly so. Then, a nurse called his name. "Mr Fullbuster? You can go in now. I'll show the way" Gray stood up and followed the short nurse, who was about in her forties. SHe opened a door, revealing a sweating, but smiling dragon slayer, a baby in his arms. Gray walked to them, feeling really happy. "It's a boy" Natsu said, pure happiness in his voice. "WHat's his name?" A nurse asked, holding a paper. The two looked at each other, nodding. "Ryan. Ryan Fullbuster" They said in unison. The nurse smiled and walked out, leaving the two alone. 

xXxXx Timejump 16 years brought you by Erza's super-fast armour xXxXx

"Dad, Father..." Ryan said hesitantly. They were eating dinner now. Ryan grew taller than both of them. He had blonde hair and green eyes. The only thing that was from Sting was his blonde hair, his chin shape and height. "Yes, Ryan?" Gray said while biting another from his dinner. "I was wondering sometimes now and even asked my teammates if they knew but they refused to answer... W--Why is my hair blonde is neither of you is blonde?" The fork in Natsu's hand froze. Gray, seeing this put his down. "It's about time we tell you. Is it okay, Honey?" Gray and Ryan looked at Natsu. He put his fork down and nodded. 

Gray sighed. "You see Ryan, Natsu is a dragon slayer. That's not new. But he's a submissive type. What means he can reproduce." Gray began. "I understand that my teammates told me that. But tell me why am I taller than either of you and why is my hair blonde!" Gray sighed. Natsu looked down, his hair covering his eyes. "There is a guild, named Sabertooth. It once had two guild masters. The twin-dragons. Rouge, who is currently the guild master and... Sting" Gray hissed out Sting's name. "Sting was a light dragon slayer. Pretty strong one, actually. *sigh* One day he just... lost his mind and kidnapped Natsu. He... had blonde hair and was the same height as you are now." Gray didn't look in Ryan's eyes. "Ryan... Sting is your biological father. Becuase... he raped Natsu." Gray said. 

Ryan was shocked. he couldn't believe this crap. "Dad... tell me he's making this up..." Ryan looked at Natsu. Natsu looked down, his face is covered. he whispered 2 painful words. It was painful for everyone in the room. "He isn't" Ryan stood up. "I'm sorry... I need some time to process this..." He walked out of the room. Gray stood up and went over to Natsu, hugging him. Natsu silently sobbed in Gray's chest, as his mind created flashbacks of the events that night. That dark night. WHat he never-ever wanted to remember again. The night...

Sting raped him in front of the guild.


I'm sorry for the long pause :( But here I am! Hope you enjoyed! I cried 2 times while writing this. First, I had another ending for it, but I decided that it was too sad. So this is the lighter ending! That's it for now!Bye!

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