Impostor! (Pt. 2)

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Hey. This will be the only part I publish today. Since this will be the longest I ever did. I hope it's okay and I send you kisses!

Listen to the music pls


Gray... Gray... You surely hear me, right? I have something important to tell you... I'm pregnant. With our beautiful baby girl. She's a gorgeous little girl, even if she's not born yet. Remember the night we were together a month and a half ago? Drunk on each other... Loving each other... Embracing and kissing all night long, not willing to let go as if the World would end. Gray... Please... Don't let her slip away... Don't let me slip away... All my strength and hope is at the edge of the cliff... It's been more than two weeks... Please... She won't survive this...

Not being able to move, Natsu didn't even care to open his eyes. All his strength, he gave all of it to his precious little daughter. His inner fire getting smaller as he didn't eat fire in so long. But he used it to keep her warm. Keep her safe... She is all that matters. Every bit of food he was given, every gulp of water. He used it to let her develop in peace. He never freaked out, staying calm. 

Now, it may seem irrational, as that cannot be done intentionally, right? The will of a desperate and determined mother can break boundaries, you know? Especially Natsu's. He wouldn't let this get in the way of the child. He will wait. Patiently. Even if he has to give birth all alone in this basement, he will wait. Gray will come.



Meanwhile, the fooled Gray sat at the bar. Natsu said she feels a bit sick so he left her at home, Juvia on his side. But she was called away by Mira. "Gray... Don't you think it's odd we didn't see Juvia and Natsu at one place at a time for more than two weeks now? I won't conclude things, I just think it's odd..." Mira said with a worried look. Gray thought some. " I didn't want to bring it up since I love him, but Natsu has been acting weird lately too. Slightly like Juvia... What do you think happened?" He asked, looking at Mira. She shrugged. "I don't know, maybe it's Juvia's doing... I would ask Lucy in your place. Juvia has been with only you or her the past weeks if she came in at all." 

Gray stood up and walked to the girls' table. "Lucy? Can we talk a bit in private?" The Celestial mage nodded and stood up, walking in the empty library with him. "What is it, Gray?" She asked, turning to him. Gray sighed. "I there something weird you noticed in either Juvia or Natsu?" He asked on a serious tone. SHe thought some. "Now that you mention it... Juvia smells familiar to Natsu as if they wear the same perfume... acting a bit similar as well. Why?" She asked in concern.

"Mira pointed out that... They were never together in the same place, same time in the past two weeks. I suspect something is up..." Lucy thought some. "Hmm, I'll dig after it. How about we return this topic tomorrow?" She looked at the black-haired man, him nodding. 



Natsu jolted awake when the door slammed open. He didn't lift his body from the ground, only placing his hands over his stomach protectively. Usually, the door quietly opened. His prisoner was angry, no doubt. And he will drink the juice of that--

"You bitch!" The voice screamed. That's when Natsu heard the voice first and he could even identify it too... Juvia???  Why is she doing this to me? I know she was always salty about me and Gray, but going to this length for the guy... "It's all your fault! They are suspecting this and it's all you! Why did you make MY GRAY gay??!!" A kick landed on his side. Natsu gasped and fast rolled in a position Juvia can't hurt his stomach. Kicks, punches and hits of magic came one after another. Natsu just endured quietly, only really quietly whispering to his stomach that 'It will be alright... Mommy won't let you be hurt. It's over soon'

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