Love you...No matter what

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Gray went on 5 months long quest with Erza. Only they were required. No one else was allowed to go. No saying in it. 

Gray thought when he goes home, he can continue his comfortable and good life with his boyfriend, Natsu. But he got so many from life, he had to suffer. Life stole away his most precious one. Slowly eating it away. Slowly and painfully.

"Natsu...I'm back" Gray smiled at his boyfriend in the door. Natsu looked shocked for a moment, then smiled and said "Welcome..." and hugged Gray tight. They went inside and Natsu made two coffees. When it was done, each of them got one. "What's with the guild?" Gray asked. "They're good. Still fighting as always" Natsu chuckled. "How was the quest?" Natsu said while looking in his cup, staring in the coffee. "Good. I lived through at least" Gray smiled. 

"I thought we could move a little outer from Magnolia maybe at the edge of the forest or out of Magnolia. I mean, I love Magnolia but the rest of Fiore is beautiful too." Gray said but stopped when he saw that Natsu didn't"t paid attention. "Natsu?" Gray asked, worried. "Gray...I think you should find someone else..." Natsu barely made out a whisper. Gray set the cup down. He could feel his mind making so much worse and worse variations of why. 

"Are you meeting with someone?" Gray asked, carefully. "No, no, no. It's not because of that. I just could get a better one than me..." Natsu got quieter and quieter. "What's wrong, Natsu?" Gray asked, confused and worried. "Gray..."

Natsu looked up when Gray looked him in the eyes. Gray grabbed the shorter one's coffee and set it on the counter. He hugged Natsu by the waist and pulled him closer. "Natsu...tell me what's bothering you..." Gray said. Natsu looked in Gray's eyes for a second, then looked down. He had a painful smile on. "I...I...I have cancer..." Natsu said, so quiet Gray heard just the 2 words: "have" and "cancer". The air froze for a moment. "...When did you found out?" Gray asked. "2 months ago..." Natsu said. "Why didn't you call me?" Gray asked. "I had more serious problems than me talking about my problems" Natsu smiled, a painful and sorrowful smile. "Natsu, there is NOTHING that's more important than you..." Gray said, pressing their foreheads together.

Natsu slowly buried his face in Gray's chest. "Gray...I--I don't wanna die..." Natsu silently sobbed in Gray's chest. Gray smoothed Natsu by circling his hand softly on his back. "Shh...You'll not die, Natsu...We'll figure something out, okay?" Gray said, calmly, though he didn't know how to solve this either.

They stayed like this for a couple of moments. When Natsu's sobs started to quiet down, Gray still didn't let go of him. "Gray..." Natsu quietly said his lover's name. "No, Natsu. I'll never let you go because you don't cry anymore. I know you're still sad, so let's do something about it." Gray slowly let go of Natsu. "How about a hot chocolate and a movie?" Gray smiled. Natsu nodded, feeling a little bit better from the mention of hot chocolate.


A month later, Gray and Natsu moved in Kunugi. It was close to Magnolia, but not too close. 

After weeks in the new home, Natsu started to get a bit worse

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After weeks in the new home, Natsu started to get a bit worse. His legs weakened, so he had to walk with crutches. Also, Gray helped him at shower every day. 

"I'm sorry....." Natsu said quietly in the shower. "Why?" Gray said while washing Natsu's hair. "I'm just a burden...I can't work anymore too...I'm sorry...That no one can help me too..." Natsu said, feeling his heart clenching. "Natsu...That's not your fault. And I'm sure you'll be better soon. Just believe in it too." Gray said, hugging Natsu softly. "Sure..." Natsu said.

Weeks passed as clouds in the sky. Natsu got worse and worse. Now, he couldn't even get up from the bed. "Gray..." Natsu said weakly. It was the 6th month from when Gray came home, So, the 8th month from the recognition of Natsu's cancer. It was also said that he had both lungs cancer. Lung Carcinoma, Symmetrical Case as the doctors called it. "Yeah, Natsu? What do ya need?" Gray asked softly, walking to Natsu's right side. "Gray...You know I love you..." Natsu said, quietly. Gray smiled. "Of course. Same here, fire breath. I love you too." He said, kissing Natsu's forehead. 

Natsu smiled too, though his lips barely do what Natsu commanded and it was more like a faint smile-like something. "C--Can I have a glass of water?" Natsu asked Gray, who nodded and walked out in the kitchen. He poured a glass of water and smiled when he didn't hear coughing. It was long since Natsu didn't cough this long amount of time. Gray hoped that Natsu is getting better.

"Tomorrow, Erza and the others will come to visit. I hope you don't mind."  Gray said while bringing the water in. He looked at Natsu. Then, he gasped and dropped the glass of water, what shattered on the floor, splashing water everywhere. Gray's face was in horror.

Natsu's eyes were closed, a single tear still rolling down on his left cheek. First, you could think he slept. No. His chest didn't rise, either drop down as a breathing persons' does.

Gray slowly walked to his right, tears flowing like rivers. "Natsu..." He said in a shaky voice. He took Natsu's left hand, what was cold as Gray's ice magic. He knew now.

Natsu wasn't thirsty. He knew that he'll die in the next minutes. He just didn't want Gray to watch him while he leaves this Earth.

In his weakest moments, Natsu still protected Gray from the pain.

As he always did...


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