Violent Relationship

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Mood: Sad, Scared (Much more)


Natsu was sitting in the school with his friend. He was in a relationship with Gray. He acted normal most of the time. But when they got home or he got drunk, he harmed Natsu both physically and mentally. Natsu thought it was normal. "Natsu, you should leave Gray" One of his friends and classmates, Loke said with a worried face. "Why? I'm fine with him" Natsu said, looking at the orange haired one. "You're not... I saw your wounds. And sometimes you come to the school like you don't have a soul... I'm worried. Please, leave for your own good..." Loke said. "*sigh* Okay. Let's say we'll have a break. If you have the truth, I'll break up with him" Natsu said as they walked to class. "Thanks, Natsu. See ya tomorrow!" Loke said as they got in different classes.

"Gray, I have a request..." Natsu said as the two walked on the streets towards Natsu's home. "What is it?" Gray asked. "I think... we should get a break." Natsu looked way. "Fine. Where do you wanna go?" Gray asked as they stopped. "I didn't mean like that... I mean, we shouldn't see each other for a while. I need a break. You know, for me to miss you and we can be closer than before?" Natsu said. Gray's fist clenched but he didn't want a scene on the street. "Fine" He hissed and stormed away. Natsu exhaled and walked home.

The next couple of week went better than the last 2 years with Gray. Natsu really thought about breaking up with the older male. "Loke, your idea was really good. I feel 1000% better now than with Gray. I really don't miss those punches and kicks he gave me." Natsu smiled. "I'm glad you found out that you were in an abusive relationship. Now, please leave him and it'll get even better." Loke smiled. 

((A/N: Loke isn't gay here, so he's NOT trying to tear them apart))

Natsu agreed and asked Gray to meet after school. They indeed meet at the backyard when no one was there. "Gray... I think we should break up..." Natsu said, fear in his voice of what Gray will react. Gray looked around and saw no one was there, so he acted. He punched Natsu so hard he fell on the ground. He kicked his stomach with full force. "Slut! WAnt to break up?! I'll break up your bones, not our bond!" Gray yelled, continuingly hurting Natsu, who just hoped he'll not die. For his luck, Loke walked there and gasped. He punched Gray so he got away from Natsu. Natsu meanwhile was bleeding and shaking like hell. He held his head, repeating "I'm sorry, stop...I'm sorry, stop..." 

Loke looked at Natsu, then Gray. "What the hell?! Is that how you treat your loved ones?! No wonder why your mother killed herself! And I heard you killed your father and sister! Congrats Mr. Violent!" He yelled. Gray screamed in frustration and ran away. Natsu stood up but fell back down. "Loke... I don't feel my body..."  He said weakly. "It's okay Natsu, I already called the ambulance..." Loke kneeled beside Natsu. 2 weeks later, Natsu could leave the hospital. He got so many threatening messages from his ex. He stayed home for a couple of days to recover and don't meet with Gray. 

Unluckily for him, Gray didn't plan on not meeting for a couple of days. Natsu sat on his bed when he heard pants coming closer from the direction of the window. He panicked and locked himself in his wardrobe. Gray got in the window and looked around. "Sorry for coming in the window, but your 'lovely' didn't let me in. By the way, she's dead now." Gray laughed. Natsu shaked hard while he sat in the wardrobe and covered his ears.

Next, this happened:

Natsu was hung up by clothes. His head hung downside. His salmon hair blocking his eyes. Gray fell backwards.

*Little pause for the feeling and effect*







 Then, Natsu gasped minimal air in, drawing Gray's attention back.  He noticed that Natsu was still alive. He got angrier. "You SON OF A BITCH!" He yelled. He got Natsu out of the circled clothes and knocked him out. 

When Natsu awoke, his wrists were tied behind his back and his ankles were tied together as well. "What the hell?" He said. He felt he sat on someone's lap. "Good morning love~ The show is about to sart~" He heard Gray's voice, getting scared. He noticed that they sat before their school. "G---Gray, what are you..." Natsu couldn't finish. Gray plugged both of their ears and pushed a button. *Booom* and the school was in pieces as people's screams were heard through the plug. Natsu screamed to stop and tried to help the people. He saw his best friends, burned inside. Loke, Lucy, Erza, Jellal, everyone he knew and was a friend of his lied dead inside the school. Something shattered in Natsu. His tears stopped and his soul just... faded away from him.

Gray noticed that Natsu stopped struggling so he untied him. "See? Isn't is SOOO much fun?" Gray smiled. Natsu stood and walked to the school. "Gray... leave me alone, please..." He said. "I can't darling, everyone you knew except me died~" Natsu shook his head and he jumped in the flames. "I don't want to live in a world with you! I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE, GRAY! ACCEPT IT!" Natsu screamed before he died. "I HATE YOU!" Were his last words.


Edited: It maybe not noticeable but Gray has multiple personalities. That's why he was both lover, crazy, killer and someone who hurts his bf. There were different people inside him. 

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