Protect, but also hurt... for both/ Part 2

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"Hello, I am Erza Scarlet. Your and Natsu's friend." The red-haired woman smiled at him. "Um..hi" He smiled back. "I am the friend Natsu talked about. I'll tell you anything you want to know. I know you suffer from amnesia." The woman, named Erza said. "First of all... Who is this 'Natsu' to me?"

Gray asked, unsure of the answer.

Brother? Friend? Best friend? What?

"He's your lover. To be exact, your fiancé" Gray looked away. "That explains why he was so hurt when I asked him who is he..." He said. "W--Well, then I'll tell you a bit about you two. Your name is Gray Fullbuster and his name is Natsu Dragneel. Well, I guess the wedding will be cancelled due you don't remember you fiancé." Erza said.

"Wait, when is the wedding?" Gray asked. He didn't know 'Natsu', but he felt like that pinky was important to him before. "3 Months from now," Erza said. "What if...I can know him again before it? My heart feels like he's important to me. I don't wanna lose him, tho it feels like I never had him. Please, tell me where he is right now..."

Erza sighed. "You sure? Maybe, you'll just break him more..." She put a hand on her hips. "I think so. Please...if I can't know him under 3 months, the wedding is cancelled. You can even kill me for hurting 'Natsu'." Gray said, suddenly feeling desperate for the onyx eyes, who knows why.

"Okay...He is--"

--Natsu's POV--

"Gray...*sob* I lost my own fault...*hiccup* If I would be more careful..." Natsu sat at his usual place when he was sad and blamed himself. "Hey" a familiar voice was heard.

Natsu already figured it out that Erza will send him here, so it was no surprise. He fast wiped away his tears and sat straight. "Hello, Gray..." He said in a quiet voice. Gray's figure sat down next to him, under a big tree. "Erza told me some stuff. But I wanted to hear the rest from you. She said you'll probably think she sent me, but no. She was against it but gave the where this place is anyways."

Natsu looked down. "Natsu...Is it okay if I ask? I know it might crush you and I don't wanna hurt you any further..." Natsu nodded is permission. "---How did I end up in a coma?" Natsu looked down and smiled at the memory. 

"Me, you, Erza and another friend we have, Lucy were on a mission where we had to arrest a dark guild. I let my guard down when I got hit hard and didn't notice a knife that flew to me. Then, you jumped before me, taking the knife instead of me. A day later, doctors discovered that the knife was poisoned. It could've killed a dragon slayer but not a devil slayer. As those are stronger. And you are one. So, you basically gave your memories to protect my life. I am grateful for that, really... But I think you sacrificed too much for me... Your memories were important to you... and I took them away."

Natsu ended in a sad tone. A minute os silence fell on them. Then, Gray broke it. "It is only my opinion, but if I jumped before you without thinking to take a knife instead of you, you worth any sacrifice. Well, I don't remember what I was thinking that moment, but I really loved you if I could jump before anything else." Gray said. Natsu looked at him. The dark-blue haired male looked up at the sky, a little smile on him and eyes half closed. Natsu really thought he was handsome when he was peaceful. He was handsome all the time, but especially when he's calm.

Then, he looked back down. "You know..." Gray began, draining Natsu's attention. "I am sorry for hurting you with my amnesia. Erza told me about the wedding. If it is okay with you, we could, like start over? 3 months is enough for me to get to know you." Gray turned his head, looking at Natsu.

Natsu was really happy that the wedding will still be happening. But it felt... tearing. That he has to start over. But, Gray sacrificed so much, this little restart button won't hurt Natsu that much.

"Okay. Hello, I am Natsu Dragneel" Natsu smiled and looked at Gray. "Hi. My name is...Gray Fullbuster, I think." He smiled back at the shorter male. They shook hands. "This is a nice place, you know," Gray said. "Yeah. I come here when I feel down. This tree seems to calm me" Natsu smiled.

"It will be perfect for our 'Second' first date" Gray stood up and sat down on the ground again. Closer to Natsu, both leaning to the tree.

"So...what is your favourite colour?"


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