I'm Yours

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Chapter 1


Author'sNote: Guys, I'mproudtointroducethesequeltoMakeMe. IhopeyouenjoythisasmuchasyouenjoyedMake Me. Pleasedon'treadthisifyouhaven'treadMakeMeyet, itwon'tmakemuchsense :3



It'd been 2 years since Ludwig and Feliciano met when the Italian moved to Toronto. It'd also been 5 months since that day in the meeting room where Ludwig apologized for making a bet.

- Five MonthsPrior -

Feliciano and Ludwig stood in the doorway hugging each other for what seemed like forever. Neither of them minded, the warmth was welcome.

"I'm sorry, Feliciano. I'm sorry... I-I'm sorry..." The German continually repeated, beginning to sob. "I can't say... anything else..."

Feliciano squeezed his eyes closed, tightening his arms around Ludwig's waist. He could hear the other man's breathing hitching in his throat.

"I-it might not be enough f-for you to forgive me... but I want you to know that I still love you... a-and I really am sorry." He choked out between ragged breaths.

"Ludwig, please..." Feliciano snaked and arm around his neck and kissed his cheek. "Please, don't cry."

"I love you." Ludwig whispered. "I love you, I love you, I love you... You don't have to say it back but Ich liebe dich*."

The Italian stayed silent. He just whispered comforting words into Ludwig's ear and they held onto each other as if life depended on it.

"Can I stay?" Feliciano asked suddenly.

He didn't get a verbal response. Just a small nod and and tug into the apartment. The door was shut and the Italian took off his tux jacket and waist coat. He turned to Ludwig and reached up, cupping his face with his hands as his thumbs gently brushed away stray tears.

Feliciano didn't think seeing Ludwig like this would make his heart break so painfully. But it did. Shattered into millions of pieces.

"We need sleep." The German said quietly before taking the other man's hand again and leading him into the dark bedroom.

They crawled underneath the covers and lay down, facing each other. Ludwig looked scared to touch Feliciano. It was as if he laid a finger on him, he would just flip him off and leave. Grabbing his hand, Feliciano placed it on his cheek and nuzzled into the warm palm.

"It's okay." He reassured the German. "We're okay."

Ludwig's eyes gazed deeply into Feliciano's as he tucked some stray hair behind his ear before sliding his fingers into the soft locks.

"I'll answer any questions you have, Feliciano." He said quietly.

The Italian thought about it for a few long seconds before he remembered the story of Ludwig and the author.

"You and that author..." He started before taking a deep breath.

"What do you mean?"

"I heard about you and some author that you took into a meeting room at last year's Literature Banquet... Did you let her?" Feliciano's eyes faltered and he looked down.

I'm Yours {Sequel to Make Me}Where stories live. Discover now