•°• Married Life •°•

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Feliciano wondered how many days and nights he'd spent with his beloved husband. He knew there were too many to count but he cherished each and every hour.

There were nights spent away from each other on business trips and then hours of Skype calls ensued at night on those days. Nights spent together cuddling on the couch, or getting drunk and making out on the loveseat. Many nights just sleeping side by side but those nights were so precious; they always held hands on those nights. There were nights that they'd argue and someone ended up crying or just leaving the apartment for some fresh air. But they always found a way to make up, in actions if not in words.

There were also those wonderful nights spent with the sheets bunched at their hips, legs tangled as they gazed at each other, breathless and sated. Those nights they made love so passionately and slowly.

There were days where either man would be stressed or frustrated, nothing a loving massage from the other couldn't cure. The harsh, Canadian winters were spent with teas in cold hands and soup for dinner.

Feliciano took care of Ludwig when he was sick and Ludwig took care if him in turn. They loved each other so deeply that they didn't care if the whole world was against them, as long as they never stopped smiling and staring at one another like nothing else mattered.

Ludwig loved those moments when Feliciano would just drift off into his imagination and sometimes draw diagrams in the air or mumbled things from the mass of the sun to the way water rippled when you threw a stone in it.

Feliciano liked to watch the German read. His cerulean eyes flitting over the paper pages and brightening as the story engaged him. His small laughs or frowns were always so intriguing and the Italian was always so curious. Sometimes he would distract him with little kisses on his jaw or his neck when he wanted him to put the book down and focus on him instead.

Ludwig liked to watch Feliciano sleep. His features were always so peaceful and happy, like nothing concerning whiskey bottles splitting his skin had ever happened when he was young. Like his life was absolutely perfect and he was carefree.

But then again, Ludwig made everything seem perfectly complete in Feliciano's eyes. Feliciano made everything bright and full of life in Ludwig's. That's how it worked.

They bounced off of each other and made the world around them full of love. They taught each other that the past didn't need to have significance when they were only focusing on their future.

And their future was definitely the best future in the history of futures;

Loving, caring and most of all:

everything felt right.


Ludwig and Feliciano never adopted children. Their jobs always got busy and they knew it wouldn't allow time to build and nurture a family. So they remained content with their little family of two.

They never got tired of each other. Every day was a new adventure; every single day of their marriage that lasted 62 years. Feliciano had asked his lover if they would grow old together. Ludwig told him he'd be there, even when his hands were wrinkly and his eyes weren't as sharp.

They would try and go out for walks when Feliciano's arthritis wasn't acting up and not forcing the Italian to stay put while Ludwig walked around their little house and got his pills.

At the age of 87 Ludwig had a minor stroke when they were eating out a diner. Feliciano had noticed one side of his mouth drooping slightly and then it was his cheek and his eyebrow. The Italian panicked and shouted for the waitress to call an ambulance.

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