Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Feliciano yawned and stretched as his eyes fluttered open. He groaned at the sunlight that flooded the room and turned his face away from the window. He saw Ludwig sleeping peacefully next to him but the tears that streaked his face were quite unsettling.

Frowning, he sat up and noticed a crumpled piece of paper on the floor. Feliciano grabbed his shorts that had been abandoned before and pulled them on before quietly walking over to the sheet and picking it up, unfolding it.

"Feli?" Ludwig's sleep coated voice called out just as he began to read. "Feliciano what are you doing?"

The German saw the piece of paper in his hand and shot up and out of the bed, stalking over to him. "Don't read that!"

"Why not?" Feliciano asked, pulling it away as Ludwig tried to take it.

"Come on. Give it back!" He pleaded, still trying desperately to grab it.

"Just let me read it!"

"No!" Ludwig glared at the Italian who switched the paper to the other hand. "I said give it back!"

Ludwig grabbed his arm, squeezing hard as anger bubbled up inside of him.

I just want the damn piece of paper back. God, sometimes he's so frustrating! What can't he understand about "give it back"? Is it so hard to respect someone's privacy?

As he snapped out if his thoughts, he noticed the tears welling up in Feliciano's eyes.

"Ludwig, you're hurting me...!" He whimpered as the German tightened his grip. "Please, let go! That's the third time I asked..."

Ludwig's gaze flickered from his pained expression to his hand that was clamped onto his bicep. For a moment his mind went blank and he just stared at Feliciano, rather confused.

Let go.

Let his arm go.

Unclamp your hand.

Loosen your grip.

Relax your fingers.

Pull your hand away.

Just let go of him, Ludwig.

He pulled his hand back and cradled it to his chest as he stared, wide-eyed at Feliciano who flinched when he brushed his fingers over the spot.

"I-I'm sorry, Feliciano..." His voice cracked. "Oh God, I'm so sorry. Why do I fuck up all the time?!"

"Ludwig... I-it's okay." The Italian said reluctantly. "Hey, I said it's alright."

"But it's not okay, Feliciano. Because I promised myself I wouldn't hurt you physically or emotionally and I've already done both!" His voice was hoarse and he sank to his knees in front of his fiancé, hugging his legs and resting his forehead on his stomach. "What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing. You're just human, Ludwig. We all screw up in our lives. God knows I've fucked up too many times." Feliciano said, cradling the German's head and keeping him as calm as possible. "We all learn from our mistakes and we're going to move forward. We're going to focus on our future."

Ludwig let out a soft sob and then he just continued crying. He didn't even want the tears to stop. He didn't try and force himself to collect his emotions and 'buck up'. He never sobbed loudly and he never made noise because he trained himself to be quiet when he cried.

Feliciano squeezed his eyes shut and knelt down so he was level with his fiancé and he pressed his forehead to the German's.

"Don't cry, mio amore*." He whispered, brushing away the tears with his thumbs.

Ludwig cupped his face in his hands and kissed him hard, letting his lips linger until he pulled back for breath. He sat on his heels and pulled the Italian onto his lap, causing him to be in a straddling position.

"Y-you can read it..." Ludwig covered his face with his hands. "I-if you really want to."

"Ludwig, I won't read it now." He paused. "If you ever want me to read it, keep it until you're ready to show me. If you don't want me to read it, then just get rid of it or never show me. I'm sorry I was prying before."

The German nodded and hugged Feliciano tightly, nuzzling his face in the crook of his neck. He wasn't going to show him just yet.

After all, he still needed time to figure it out himself.


Later that evening, everyone was sitting in the living room as Catch Me If You Can played on the TV. The movie was based on the life of Frank Abagnale, who, before his 19th birthday, successfully performed cons worth millions of dollars by posing as a Pan American World Airways pilot, a Georgia doctor, and a Louisiana parish prosecutor. His primary crime was check fraud; he became so skillful that the FBI eventually turned to him for help in catching other check forgers.

It was Anna's favorite movie and Ludwig had never seen it but it was the most interesting movie he'd ever seen. It was about halfway through the movie and around 6:30 PM when there was a knock at the door. Feliciano gave Ludwig the bag of chips he was eating from and got up to answer the door.

He gasped as he turned the knob and yanked it open to reveal a familiar face.

"Angelina?" He whispered. "I haven't seen you since Romano passed."

The Italian was rendered silent as a little girl with bright green eyes and dark red - light brown hair peeked out from behind Angelina's hip.

"Hello, bella*!" He knelt down and held a hand out to her. "What's your name?"

"I'm Ciana!" She announced cheerfully.

That's Romano's favorite name...


Mio amore - My love (Italian)
Ciana - Pronounced Chee-ann-a


To be continued...

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