Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Feliciano woke up the next morning around nine and he yawned, stretching in the bed. Next to him, Ludwig was sleeping soundly, his peaceful expression made him look younger - almost child-like.

The Italian noticed the sheets slung low on his hips and blushed as the memories of the night before rushed into his mind. Ludwig had been so dominant and forceful but cautious and loving all the while. The fact that they needed to stay quiet the whole time just added to the excitement because they didn't want or need to get caught.

He shook his head lightly, smiling and stood up, wincing at the tight pull in his hips and abdomen. Grabbing a fresh pair of boxers and pulling them on. Both men had brought a suit in case they went to a fancy restaurant but church was an even better reason so Feliciano put on the dress pants and put on the crisp white shirt, leaving it hanging open as he quietly walked - more like stumbled/limped - to the bathroom.

He was glad that there wasn't anyone walking down the hall when he did because once in the bathroom, he looked in the mirror and gasped at the love bites littered all over his chest and surprisingly further down. There were a few on his collar bone but those were covered once the shirt was buttoned up and tucked in.

Feliciano continued on with his routine; brush teeth, comb hair, wash face, etc. But when he finished he cursed under his breath when he noticed a rather large hickey right in the middle of the side of his neck, unable to be hidden by the shirt.

"Really, Ludwig?" He groaned and leant against the counter, feeling defeated.

There was a small knock on the door and Angelina's voice called out from behind the wooden barrier.

"Come in."

She opened the door and looked worriedly at her brother-in-law.

"It sounded like you were sick or something. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." She said, looking him in the eye.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled at her and she was about to leave but he spoke up. "Well, I do actually have a problem..."

"What is it?"

He glaced at her briefly before nervously clasping his hands. She waited for an explanation but he just stayed quiet for a while.

"Oh God. Okay, I need to hide this if we're going to church with Zia e Zio.*"  He turned his head to show her the mark and he blushed a dark crimson, embarrassed to no extent.

Angelina just smiled at him and was rather shocked about how noticeable it was.

"Usually the person who gives you one tries to put it in a more discreet spot." She shrugged, laughing lightly.

"Yeah, I know. But it was kinda 'heat of the moment' and let's just say, Ludwig isn't exactly subtle." Feliciano admitted. "Do you know how I can hide it?"

"I'll be right back."

She disappeared down the hall and was back in a matter of seconds with a little glass bottle.

"You're putting make up on me?" He stared wide-eyed at the bottle.

"Calm down. I'm not putting it on your face and it'll hide it." Angelina opened it. "And it's called concealer."

She poured some of the skin coloured liquid onto her finger before rubbing it onto the mark and spreading it, covering the reddish-purple mark.


He looked at himself in the mirror and was surprised to find it hidden and invisible to the eye.

"That stuff's magic." He whispered. "Thank you, Angie."

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