Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Ludwig closed his eyes and placed his hand on Feliciano's knee, squeezing gently as the plane lifted from the ground and his stomach flipped. Take off was the worst part for the German, he always became dizzy and mildly nauseous.

Feliciano placed his hand over the slightly trembling one that rest on his knee and looked at his fiancé who was looking quite pale at the moment. He leant over and kissed his cheek, thankful that they were sitting in a row of two seats.

The plane levelled out and the German opened his eyes again, letting out a shaky breath.

"I hate the goddamn take off." He shook his head.

"You did fine." Feliciano smiled. "The flight's only two hours and ten minutes so it'll be over before we know it."

After that, silence fell throughout the cabin and Feliciano had fallen asleep with his head resting on Ludwig's shoulder so he grabbed a book out of his backpack and started reading The Lord of The Rings for what seemed like the millionth time.

Just two more hours.


The flight was smooth the whole way through, no turbulence whatsoever and the pilot landed it perfectly. The plane's passengers clapped for the skilled pilots as a thanks for getting them to their destination safely.

Ludwig had shook Feliciano's shoulder lightly, waking him from his sleep. It was now 5 AM, Prince Edward Island time and they grabbed their backpacks, filing out of the plane quickly.

After they got out of the plane, went to get their luggage and called a cab, there were literally twenty minutes away from Feliciano's old home.

"Why am I so nervous?" Ludwig asked quietly as he sat in the backseat of their taxi.

"You shouldn't be. My aunt and uncle are nice people and in front of them, you don't have to worry about saying the wrong thing!" The Italian replied, grabbing his fiancé's hand. "Just relax."

The German tried to stop being so anxious but he just couldn't manage it. Yes, he'd been to Feliciano's house before and met his parents but this was different. Because it was his aunt and uncle who he'd met like twice but never really talked to. It was like meeting his parents for the first time all over again. Mary and Agostino weren't exactly fond of Ludwig since it was him, let alone a man, that was falling in love with their son. What if his aunt and uncle were the same way? And now they weren't just dating, they were to be married.

How are they going to react?

The cab pulled up the gravel driveway and opened the trunk. Feliciano payed the man while Ludwig took out their luggage. Thanking the driver, the Italian got out of the car and closed the trunk for his fiancé who was carrying the large black suitcase.


"Sure." Ludwig nodded, an uneasy smile gracing his features.

Feliciano chuckled lightly and grabbed the German's free hand as they walked up the rest of the driveway and the wooden steps at the front of the cottage-like house. Raising a fist, Feliciano knocked three times and Ludwig let out a shaky breath.

After about 45 seconds they heard an 'I'm coming!' from inside. The door was unlocked and pulled open, revealing an older man and an older woman who Ludwig assumed was Feliciano's "Uncle Dave and Aunt Anna".

"Feli..." The woman whispered as grin broke out on her face.

"I missed you guys." He said, letting go of his fiancé's hand and enveloping his aunt in a big hug.

Uncle Dave joined in the hug, wrapping one arm around his nephew and one arm around his wife.

Ludwig smiled at them and waited until they let go of each other. He held out his hand to Dave and the older man grabbed it, giving it a firm shake.

"Nice to meet you, Ludwig." He said with a smile.

"And you too, sir." The German replied.

He moved on to greet Anna and placed a hand on her shoulder as he leant down and kissed her on the cheek. Ludwig was about to pull away but he was pulled into her arms in a warm embrace.

Chuckling lightly, he hugged her back gently, thinking,

I'm always so nervous for no reason.


To be continued...

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