Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Feliciano held Ludwig's hand tightly as they walked down the hallway to the Italian's apartment. He fished his keys out of his pocket and fumbled with them before jamming it into the keyhole and unlocking the door, opening it quickly. He pulled the German inside and shut the door before leading him over to the couch and pushing him down onto it, sitting on his lap and hugging him close.

"Ti amo*." He whispered.

Ludwig tilted his chin so he could look straight into his eyes before pressing a kiss to his lips. He broke away, keeping in close proximity and pulling back slightly when Feliciano tried to capture his lips again.

"Stop being a tease!" The Italian smiled before cupping his face in his hands and kissing him hard.

Ludwig chuckled lightly into the kiss and and kept his hands on Feliciano's sides, running them up and down slowly. He tugged on the white tucked in dress shirt he wore, pulling it out of the Italian's jeans and sliding his hands under the fabric, letting them explore the expanse of warm, lightly tanned skin that was hidden underneath.

Feliciano pulled away and took shallow breaths. He used all the will-power he had to take Ludwig's hands out from his shirt, wanting to let him feel his body to his heart's content but they didn't need to get carried away.

"Ludwig," He said, lacing his fingers with the German's. "Should we tell my aunt and uncle when we get there or call them now?"

"Let's wait. It's a nice surprise! Plus, we only have a month left until we leave." Ludwig smiled, pressing his forehead to Feliciano's. "I'm glad you said yes."

"I'm glad you asked." He whispered, gently rubbing the tip of his nose against his boyfriend's.

One ring to show our love,

One ring to bind us,

One ring to seal our love,

And forever entwine us.


Business gradually slowed at Winfield Publishing. It always happened in the summer. Every year authors traveled around the world for inspiration or just for fun. But either way, submissions weren't coming in in such large quantity so employees had more flexibility.

It was July 5th now and Ludwig's alarm blared at midnight, signalling that they needed to get up and go to the airport. He snickered at the heavily sleeping Italian beside him and gently shook him, watching his eyes flutter open, revealing their amber irises.

"Five more minutes..." He groaned.

"Feli, we have to get up." Ludwig sighed, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"We don't have to." Feliciano countered, pulling a pillow over his head.

"Get up before I pour ice water on you." The German warned, joking of course.

"Okay, okay..." He groaned, hitting Ludwig with the pillow. "I'm getting up."

Feliciano remembered he was only in his boxers and stared at the clothes he'd laid out across the room and then looked at Ludwig who narrowed his eyes at him in disbelief.

"Seriously, Feliciano? You're not getting your clothes, are you?" He sighed and stood up, grabbing the clothes and throwing them at his boyfriend.

The Italian smiled and thanked him quietly. Ludwig walked over to him and cupped his face in his hands, stroking his cheeks with his thumbs.

"You're lucky you're cute, mein liebe*." Ludwig whispered, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his fiancé's lips.

Feliciano hummed appreciatively and then sighed happily as they broke apart. He pulled on his shirt and basketball shorts before stretching and standing up, stumbling into the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and noticed a love bite on his collarbone.

"Ludwig!" He shouted. "You promised you wouldn't leave a mark!"

"I lied." Came the German's reply. "Sorry!"

Sighing, he shifted his shirt a little, making sure it was covered up. I mean, their little make out session before bed was definitely worth it. But if his uncle and aunt saw it, their sneaky glances weren't exactly appreciated.

He did his normal morning routine; brushing his teeth, combing his hair and washing his face. Ludwig walked in as the Italian was leaving and they brushed by each other, switching roles. Now Feliciano was making sure he had all his stuff in his carry on like his iPhone, charger, a book and his ear buds because the ones they offered on the plane were horrible.

Pretty soon, they were ready and standing outside the apartment building waiting for the cab they had called. Ludwig carried the black suitcase they decided they'd share for clothes and all other travelling necessities. There was still a fair bit of room left because if they were going to be gone for a month and a half, they packed only what they needed and not one hundred pairs of clothes. Plus, if they bought something on their journey, they would need room for it.

The cab pulled up and opened the trunk as Ludwig walked around and put the luggage in. He climbed into the backseat after Feliciano and told the driver they were going to Pearson International Airport.

The vehicle sped off and they got to the airport in ten minutes. Feliciano paid the driver for the ride and then grabbed his carry-on - which was just a backpack - and got out of the car. Ludwig grabbed his own backpack and the suitcase as they thanked the taxi driver and walked into the airport.

After getting their luggage tag and checking it in, they walked through the huge airport and made their way to customs. Ludwig shuddered as he walked through the detector and was cleared.

I hate that thing.

He mouthed to Feliciano. The Italian just smiled and walked through it without a hitch. Ludwig sighed and grabbed their backpacks, handing his fiancé the right one.

Finally, they reached their gate and found two seats which wasn't very hard considering that it was 1:45 AM now and people didn't like night flights but it was the cheapest direct flight they found.

A few other people sat in that gate, probably on the same flight and most were on their phones or just sitting there and spacing out. Ludwig grabbed Feliciano's hand and slowly traced the ring on his finger.

Giving the Italian a small smile, he rest his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes.

They sat there, enjoying each others warmth as they waited for their seats to be called, not giving a damn about the people who looked at them strangely.


Mein liebe - My love (German)

Ti amo - I love you (Italian)


To be continued...

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