• Wedding Night •

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Author's Note: This will be mildly explicit so if you don't like it, don't read it.


Feliciano sighed happily as they walked into their matrimonial suite and Ludwig followed close behind him, kicking the door shut. He unbuttoned his waistcoat and tossed it onto a nearby chair.

"That was fun!" The Italian smiled, sitting on the loveseat in the corner.

"It definitely was." Ludwig smiled at his husband and sat next to him, putting his arm around his waist.

The reception was full of drinks, laughter, great speeches, amazing food and dancing. Lots and lots of dancing. Feliciano and Ludwig had their first dance to the song The Way You Look Tonight by Tony Bennett.

Roderich played it for them on the grand piano and sang too as they danced so close together; Feliciano's face was nuzzled into the crook of Ludwig's neck, his slightly parted lips against his collarbone. The German kept an arm around his upper waist, hand pressed to his back as the other held his hand while they danced in slow circles. He lowered his head and rest his cheek on the top of the Italian's head, eyes closed as he softly sang along to the song, whispering the lyrics in his husband's ear.

After their dance was over, everyone smiled and clapped, most of the women there with tears in their eyes. He caught James with his arm around his husband who he'd brought as his +1.

Then the DJ started playing music and more people joined them on the dance floor. Feliciano danced with his aunt and Ludwig danced with Angelina while Dave danced with Ciana.

By the end of the night, all the guests were all danced-out and everyone had had a great time. They said goodbye to everyone before driving to the airport and flying to Hawaii where they were to spend their honeymoon.

Back in present-time, Ludwig had just emerged from the bathroom in his grey sweatpants and nothing more. Feliciano had also changed into his own pair but they were navy-blue. He sat on the edge of the bed and Ludwig sat next to him, lacing their fingers and giving his hand a small squeeze.

"Wanna know something?" Feliciano said quietly, turning to face his husband.


"I love you." He answered and the German smiled before using his free hand to cup his cheek and leaned down, kissing him.

Feliciano hummed appreciatively and let go of Ludwig's hand so he could run them over his chest and then his muscular stomach and abdomen.

"Feliciano..." Ludwig growled, shifting on the bed so the Italian lay down and he hovered over him, pressing him into the copious amounts of pillows.

Feliciano looked up into the German's cobalt eyes and pulled him down for another kiss. Ludwig ran his tongue along his bottom lip and gained access, exploring the warm, wet cavern. He moved to his jaw and then his neck, to his collarbone and his chest, all the way down to his hips; lips, teeth, and tongue worked against the smooth, tan skin and left several love bites along the way.

He looked up at Feliciano who was panting lightly as he took the drawstring of his pants between his teeth and pulled on it slowly, the knot coming undone. Kissing his way back up to the Italian's lips, he slowly pushed the sweatpants down his husbands hips and legs, tossing them to the floor.

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