Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Author's Note: Holy Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for 1000 reads on Make Me. I am so happy and I cherish every single read - no... Glance at the story. I never thought it would be read that widely. I mean I know there's stories out there that have like 68 million reads and I'm so proud of those authors. But I'm proud of myself because you guys are making 1000 feel like 68 million. It's such a lovely feeling to know that I have appreciative readers :) ilysm.


Ludwig awoke in an unfamiliar room. He looked around, trying to remember where he was.

That's right, the inn.

He flinched as he felt a hand twitch on his chest and realized that Feliciano was sleeping soundly beside him. Ludwig felt so guilty for making the Italian worry so much and force himself to go out and look for him. If he hadn't seen him, Feliciano probably would've caught pneumonia. But he still wasn't sure if his boyfriend was illness free.

He stared down at him, smiling a little as he mumbled things in Italian while he was in dream land. Ludwig slowly ran his fingers through Feliciano's red-brown hair, it's softness against his skin was soothing.

This is how he wanted to wake up every morning; Feliciano cuddled up beside him quietly talking in his sleep, his heart melting at the beautiful sight.

There was a ring that could bind them forever. But there was also so much nervousness, anxiety, and fright in Ludwig's heart.

He wasn't scared of the married life nor was he scared to start a family. He was just so very afraid that Feliciano would say no.

The German would love to have children but if that's not was Feliciano wanted, he would be okay with that. He would also love to come home to just Feliciano, his Feliciano, and hug and kiss him while they sat on the couch doing nothing and have him all to himself. It was selfish but Ludwig's heart beat for the man lying beside him and for no one else.

"I would be okay to live with the small right side of my heart, as long as you claimed the left side..." He whispered, kissing the Italian's forehead.

"I'd be okay if I just lived off of a sliver and you owned the rest." Feliciano replied.

"You're awake?" Ludwig blushed in embarrassment.

His boyfriend nodded and propped himself up on his elbows. They stared at each other for a long while before Feliciano lay on top of Ludwig, one leg between the German's as he leant forward and kissed him softly.

I'm Yours {Sequel to Make Me}Where stories live. Discover now