Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Feliciano sat down beside Ludwig on the couch and sighed happily. Anna and Dave had invited them in and immediately bombarded them with questions like; Are you hungry? Do you want something to drink? How about coffee? Would you like some toast? No? How about eggs?

"Zia*, we're fine but thank you." Feliciano gave her a small smile.

Ludwig was shocked at how many questions she could ask within sixty seconds.

"Are Italians always like that?" He asked quietly.

"It's a trait of Italians, Portuguese people, Spaniards, et cetera. All those people from those countries have a tendency to think that you're hungry all the time." Feliciano answered. "Thank you guys for waking up early to let us in." He added.

They'd landed in PEI at 5 AM and it was about 5:45 now. Both men were very grateful for their hospitality.

"Anything for you, Feli!" Anna exclaimed. "Ludwig, you're so quiet."

"He's just shy around new people." Feliciano said, grabbing Ludwig's hand and stroking the inside of his wrist with his thumb.

"I don't want to say the wrong thing, that's all." Ludwig said. "I'm trying to make a good impression."

"Oh, you don't have to be so nervous! You look like a fine young man and I'm sure your personality is just as great." Dave reassured the German. 

"Thank you, sir." Ludwig smiled.

"Please, call me Dave."

"Alright, Dave..." He shrugged. "It'll take some getting used to."

Feliciano felt Ludwig run his thumb over the ring and then remembered he still needed to break the news.

"We are..." He paused. "We're getting married."

Ludwig felt his heart sink when silence fell throughout the room and he could hear his heart beat in his ears. He squeezed his eyes shut before slowly looking up at the two people sitting across from them.

They're mad. They're mad. They are mad.

"Congratulazioni*!" They shouted in unison, rushing over to the couple to hug them.

Ludwig let out a breath of relief and smiled as he was hugged again, hugging back. He watched as Anna took Feliciano's left hand and smiled at the ring.

The excitement died down but ecstatic smiles remained on everyone's face. Ludwig already felt at home and he'd only been there for about 25 minutes. But the Italian's were so hospitable and they treated all visitors like family. It was nice since Ludwig never really got any of that back home in Germany.

"Let me make us some tea. You must be tired from your journey and probably want some rest. The tea will help all of us get some sleep." Anna offered, standing up and walking over to the kitchen.

This time everyone agreed. All of them were rather tired and needed a good sleep to be ready for the next day. Feliciano got up and went to help his aunt, leaving Ludwig to get acquainted with Dave.

"So, what do you do for a living, Ludwig?" Dave asked.

"Well, I used to live in Germany and I worked in a butcher shop when I was sixteen and then I had some family issues so I cut all ties except my brother and moved to PEI and lived with a distant cousin. After high school and college, I moved to Toronto to live on my own and I got a job at Winfield publishing in management. Then five years later, I had moved on up to vice president of the company and that's where I remain to this day." He explained, clasping his hands in his lap.

"Ludwig, you're the one who was Feli's partner in high school?" The Italian questioned.

"Yes." The German swallowed nervously. "I was and we didn't see each other for ten years until last year."

"I barely recognized you! But something was so familiar, I knew I remembered you from somewhere!" He replied cheerfully.

"Well," He smiled. "It is me! In the flesh."

They continued to talk about work and Ludwig explained how Feliciano was an acquisitions editor at Winfield and that they coincidentally ended up living next to each other. Dave's friendliness definitely lessened Ludwig's nerves and he made it seem as though they'd known each other for years.

Feliciano brought over the four mugs of tea, somehow managing to keep two in each hand.

"Be careful." Ludwig stood up and grabbed two, placing them on the table.

Anna brought over the milk and sugar, leaving it on the coffee table for anyone who wanted it.

"Green tea was all we had." She said as she gestured for them to go ahead.

"That's alright. Green is my favorite." Ludwig smiled at her before taking a mug and putting some sugar and milk.

Everyone drank their tea in a comfortable silence, relishing the warmth from the steaming liquid. After everyone was done, Ludwig took the cups and went to wash them.

"Ludwig, you don't have to-"

"No, it's fine! Please, you've been so kind already, let me just do this little thing." He insisted, cutting Anna off.

"Why, thank you." She said quietly.

"Ludwig, I'm going to take the suitcase upstairs and get ready for bed." Feliciano called out as he began to walk up the stairs with the luggage.

"I'll be up soon." The German replied.

He finished washing the mugs and dried his hands before thanking them again and bidding them a good sleep. Walking up the stairs, he remembered exactly where the rooms were. Anna and Dave must have been sleeping on the first floor in Feliciano's parents old room because they didn't come upstairs. Ludwig went to the bathroom and noticed that Feliciano had already left their toothbrushes and bathroom stuff in the washroom along with his shorts that he wore to bed. It was too hot to where pants and shirts anyway.

So, he quickly brushed his teeth and washed his face before taking off his clothes and pulling on the navy blue shorts. Ludwig made his way over to the end of the hall where Feliciano's bedroom was and the door was slightly ajar. He slowly pushed it open and saw the Italian standing at the end of the bed in his own shorts as he closed the door. Placing his clothes in the now empty suitcase, he approached the other man and wrapped his arms around his waist from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder.

Now he realized why he was staring at the bed.

"This..." Ludwig whispered. "It's the room."

Feliciano gave a small, slow nod and placed his hands over his boyfriend's as the night replayed in his mind.

"I'll never forget it." Feliciano said quietly. "Ever."

Ludwig's hand moved up to his chest, tracing the 'Ich liebe dich' tattoo on his skin as he kissed him on the cheek. He moved to his neck, gently leaving a mark with his lips, teeth and tongue before licking the shell of his ear.

Feliciano shuddered in delight and whimpered quietly before grabbing Ludwig's hand and leading him to one side of the bed, pushing him down by the shoulders and making him sit. He climbed onto his lap, straddling him as he kissed the German.

"Ti amo.."


Zia - Aunt (Italian)
Congratulazioni - Congratulations (Italian)
Ich liebe dich - I love you (German)
Ti amo - I love you (Italian)


To be continued...

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