Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


Ludwig stood outside in his shorts as he bounced the soccer ball, back and forth on his knees. Feliciano was waiting on the other side of the yard for the German to actually kick it.

"Come on! I can't show you how good of a goalie I am if you just stand there and show off!" He shouted.

Ludwig raised an eyebrow as he caught the ball in his hands. He nodded and dropped the ball, kicking it hard in mid-air, sending it flying towards the Italian and it slammed against the trunk of the oak tree he was standing under just above his head.

"I thought you could catch any goal?" He smirked at him.

"You said you were rusty!" Feliciano shook his head and picked it up before kicking it back to him.

This time Ludwig just started running the other way with ball and Feliciano chased him, managing to steal the ball. They ran around the yard, weaving the ball through their feet as the kept each other entertained. The Italian smiled as he could hear Ludwig's panting, indicating that he was out of breath.

"Tired?" He teased.

"Shut up." Ludwig countered playfully and ran up ahead, kicking the ball away from his boyfriend.

"Damn it." Feliciano cursed, sprinting to catch up.

He ran in front of Ludwig and when he thought he was far enough, he turned around and ran towards him, kicking the ball out from between his feet. He managed to get his foot wedged beneath Ludwig's and tripped. He twisted his body around and grabbed the first thing he could reach which happened to be the German's wrist, pulling him down with him.

Feliciano landed on his back with a groan as the sharp ache spread throughout his back and Ludwig landed on top of him, legs tangled and their bare chests pressed together. They'd taken off their shirts since it was too hot outside and they were sweating so being just clad in shorts sounded like a good idea.

A small laugh escaped both men and then they just burst into laughter, unable to contain it. Ludwig smiled brightly down at his fiancé and pressed his forehead to his. Feliciano cupped his face in his hands and stared him in his lovely cerulean eyes.

"You have a beautiful smile, Ludwig." He whispered, blushing at the locks of soft hair that fell onto his forehead instead of being pushed back. "I love you."

"I love you too." He replied quietly, leaning down and brushing their lips together.

Ludwig closed the gap between them and kissed him gently, but the way their lips moved in rhythm was so passionate and intimate.  He tangled his fingers in the Italian's soft, red-brown hair as the other hand traced small, soothing circles up his inner thigh, lifting the breathable material of his shorts.

"A-anyone can see us... Especially my family... O-or even Ciana..." He mumbled into the kiss.

"Shut up... just let me kiss you." Ludwig responded, squeezing his thigh  lightly. "It's much more exciting when you can get caught, anyway."

Feliciano bit his lip, stifling a moan when he felt the German's hand slip beneath the band of his shorts and boxers. He grabbed his wrist and shot him a warning look, knowing that if they truly were caught, it wouldn't end well.

"Shhh..." Ludwig smirked. "I can't let you go inside with this... problem."

Feliciano blushed and his grip loosened on his fiancé's wrist, letting his skilled hand inch it's way, further until he didn't care if they got caught as long as Ludwig didn't stop his actions.

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