Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Ludwig stayed still, not moving a muscle all though it was tempting, and waited for Feliciano to adjust. He lowered his head and kissed him to distract him from the pain he was waiting for to subside. The Italian kept his arms around his fiancé's neck and his bottom lip was taken between his teeth to stop the sounds that were begging to come out.

It had been literally a matter of seconds from when they sat on the bed to now where they lay, underneath the covers with their bodies joined intimately. Ludwig had felt something come over him as he sat on that mattress. He wanted to relive that spring night when they were mere teenagers but make it even better. With no worries or doubts in the way.

Feliciano shifted, signalling that it was okay and Ludwig began to mov. The German shuddered at the jolts of pleasure that shot throughout his whole body and let out a shaky breath. Feliciano also began to move, in unison with his fiancé and tried his best to stay quiet.

"L-Ludwig..." He whispered, sliding a hand into his hair.

Ludwig couldn't help the moan that slipped past his lips and he kept a hand on his boyfriend's thigh, squeezing gently. Closing the gap between them, he kissed Feliciano hard and felt him arching his back slightly.

It's torture to have to stay as quiet as possible when this feels so damn good.

The Italian fisted Ludwig's hair gently - well not too gently - and earned a small moan as he felt that bundle of nerves being abused in the most perfect of ways. He didn't think he would last any longer if Ludwig kept it up at the pace so he reached down between his thighs, trying to give his throbbing excitement some sort of relief.

"Not y-yet..." Ludwig breathed out, slowly shaking his head as he yanked his hand away and pinned it above his head.

Feliciano whimpered and begged with his eyes, his voice lost inside of him for the time being. Sometimes Ludwig had no mercy and he made him wait until he got to his wits end but he was feeling a little generous.

"P-please?" Feliciano whined quietly, desperate for release.

The German buried his face in the crook of his neck and hummed appreciatively.

"Alright, alright." Ludwig whispered, lingering on every word. "But only because you asked so nicely."

Such a tease.

Feliciano squeezed his eyes shut as his fiancé's skilled hand took over where his own hand had been - not so nicely - tugged away. His breathing became ragged along with Ludwig's, hitching in his throat every so often.

He arched his back up to the German as he gasped his name and his vision was just a blur of white as he let go and his muscles tensed for just a few seconds while he reached his climax and then loosened again when he came down from his high.

"Fuck..." Ludwig cursed, the feeling of the Italian tightening around him throwing him over the edge.

He landed on top of Feliciano in a gasping, panting mess as his body shuddered and collapsed. He reached for his fiancé's hand and laced their fingers, giving them a gentle squeeze as the Italian slowly combed his fingers through Ludwig's blonde locks.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Ludwig sat at the dining table alone with a glass of water in his hand, a piece of lined paper in front of him and a pen in his free hand.

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