Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Ludwig awoke at 3 AM with a lightly snoring Feliciano beside him. He looked so peaceful with his hair messy and his cheeks painted with a light blush. The German was glad that they both had their boxers on because their tangled legs caused their hips to be pressed together and Ludwig could feel warmth spreading from deep within his core.

He gently pried himself away from the Italian and sat on the edge of the bed as he ran a hand through his hair. Ludwig hadn't told Feliciano what was really bothering him last night because he was worried that it would just scare him away.

He opened the night stand drawer and closed his eyes as he reached towards the back, squeezing the small velvet box in his hand. A simple silver band with a gold stripe around it lay inside, held by a white cushion. He grit his teeth as his heart sunk to the floor and hope faded.

He doesn't want to marry me.

Ludwig stood up and quietly walked out into the living room where their clothes were strewn on the floor. He blushed slightly and then picked them up, put his on and placed Feliciano's on the couch after he'd folded them.

His mind was hazy as he envisioned himself down on one knee in front of the Italian and Feliciano saying no and running off. He had heard him say to his aunt and uncle earlier, "We're not getting married yet!"

But being the person he was, the German had only heard we're not getting married.

Sighing in frustration, Ludwig grabbed his light jacket and pulled it on before making his way out of the apartment and into the hallway.

I need a walk.


Feliciano woke up forty-five minutes after Ludwig had gone. He reached around blindly for his boyfriend but found only empty, cold sheets. Rubbing his eyes, he sat up slowly and winced at the tight pull in his abdomen.

He took his time standing up before turning on a lamp on the bedside table. The Italian stumbled out of the bedroom and looked around for Ludwig but he was nowhere to be seen. He noticed his clothes neatly folded on the couch and frowned, remembering that they weren't like that before.

Feliciano looked in the kitchen, in the bathroom, the closet. He triple-checked every room and even checked his own apartment. But finding his boyfriend was to no avail. He came back to Ludwig's apartment and pulled on his clothes before sitting on the couch.

If he's not back in half an hour, I'm going to look for him.

The Italian grabbed his phone that was on the table and dialed his boyfriend's number. He jumped in his seat when there was a buzzing sound coming from the kitchen. He ran over and saw Ludwig's phone with his name on the screen and a picture he hadn't known that the German had taken of him.

He never leaves his phone at home.

Feliciano shuddered as the panic settled in his brain. He looked around frantically and decided that he would go search for his boyfriend immediately. Grabbing his jacket, he ran out the door and took the stairwell until he was outside, standing in the cool spring air.

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