Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


Feliciano untangled himself from Ludwig's embrace and kissed his forehead before walking out of the bedroom and closing the door quietly. He made his way downstairs and sat on the couch, sighing. Anna and Dave looked to him but didn't say a word.

"He's fine. If that's what you're wondering about." The Italian snapped. "He might look tough and strong on the outside but he's sensitive. He's not made of iron."

"W-we couldn't help but overhear about the drugs." Anna stuttered, wringing her hands nervously. "Feliciano..."

Feliciano took a deep breath. "He's not using them. He doesn't do that anymore. Ludwig is clean and healthy."

"He certainly looks like he's in perfect health. I trust you and him with your decisions. I just want you to know," Dave paused. "We love you. No matter what. We grew up in a home where homosexuality was not tolerated at all. In a home where you had to wait until marriage to have sex. It was just a shock because that's what we were taught was right. I don't think you're detestable. Anna doesn't and I know that Romano is smiling down at you right now."

Dave sat beside his nephew and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. He kissed his forehead and hugged him tightly when a tear silently slid down his cheek.

"I miss Romano." He stated quietly.

"We all do, Feli." Dave closed his eyes and hugged him close. "I remember when I used to hold you two like this. You were so small and carefree. Both you boys had grown up too fast with your family issues. Now you have an amazing job, a home for yourself and you're getting married. You're gonna have a family of your own some day and I'm so proud of you. Quindi molto orgoglioso.*"

Feliciano smiled and sniffled as he hugged back. He never realized how much he missed his childhood until he thought about Romano. When he looked at Ciana she always had that twinkle in her emerald eyes that his brother always had, her smile was his, her hair colour. Romano was still there with him. He just wanted to see him and play soccer with him again. Just be brothers again.

"Io amo voi ragazzi*." He said quietly, standing up with his uncle and opening an arm for his aunt.

Anna walked over and put an arm around each of their waist as they embraced tightly. All three family members were silent but smiling as they enjoyed the warmth and love radiating from one another.

"Ti amo." They whispered in unision.


Feliciano walked down the hall and noticed a light coming from his bedroom which meant Ludwig was awake. He opened the door slowly and closed it quietly behind him. He saw the German standing and looking out the bay window.

He approached him silently and wrapped his arms around his waist from behind, kissing the nape of his neck. He took a deep breath, taking in his sweet but musky scent.

"What are you thinking about, Ludwig?" He whispered, resting his forehead on his back.

"Here." Ludwig answered instead, sliding a piece of folded paper into Feliciano's hand.

The Italian unfolded it and realized it was the paper that he'd tried to take from his fiancé a few days prior. He looked up at him and just received a small nod of encouragement.

He began to read, word by word. Why hadn't he known about this? Why didn't Ludwig tell him he was feeling all this frustration and sadness? Feliciano took a short, shaky breath as he finished, tears pricking at his eyes.

He folded it back up and placed it on the night table before taking Ludwig into his arms. He felt his shoulder slouch as the weight of his feelings came down on him and left him in an emotional mess. Feliciano kissed his cheek and whispered soothing words into his ear, running his hands up and down his back.

"Please don't cry." He closed his eyes as he heard the German's breathing hitch and his chest heave. "Smile for me. Come on, smile. Please?"

He was just desperate to see him at least half happy instead of sobbing with tears streaking his cheeks. He sat him down on the bed and lowered himself next to him. Ludwig lay down and rest his head in his lap as he began to play with his hair.

"I love you so much, Ludwig. You don't have to worry about me leaving you. I won't. I will not let you endure this world of chaos alone. This is a place where hopes and dreams rarely come true. It where reality hits hard and it hurts but when you have someone who cares about you, they can help heal those wounds." He brushed away a stray tear. "We both have dismantled hearts. Broken and battered and scarred. Jaded. But we have each other and it doesn't feel so painful anymore."

Feliciano leant down and kissed him, gently but passionately. He pulled back slightly, resting his forehead against Ludwig's as he gazed into his cobalt eyes.

"Let's embrace the crazy."


Quindi molto orgoglioso - So very proud (Italian)
Io amo voi ragazzi - I love you guys (Italian)


To be continued...

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