Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Feliciano nor Ludwig uttered a word to each other about wanting to get married. Not because they were second-guessing it. Not because they were sure that that's not what they truly wanted. They were both just scared of one word.


So they carried on with everything like the thought of meeting each other at the altar wasn't present in their minds at all. Both of the men asked their bosses for an extended vacation of a month and a half and got a rather quick yes.

They planned their trip ahead of time so that it was out of the way and ready to go. A flight to PEI was booked for July 5th and they also bought tickets to Berlin, Germany for July 24th with a week left to come back home and get over the jet lag.

At the moment, Ludwig was sitting underneath an oak tree at the park with Feliciano's head resting in his lap. They stared at each other lovingly and the German combed his fingers through his boyfriend's hair as he picked up his book and continued to read from where he left off.

Feliciano watched Ludwig's sky blue eyes flit over the page as he quickly and expertly read the words. He always looked his calmest when he had a book in his hand. Reaching up, he gently ruffled his fingers through the German's blonde locks and brought them out of their slicked back state so they fell onto his forehead, just stopping at the top of his eyebrows.

"What are you doing?" He asked, slowly moving the Italian's hand away.

"You look better with your hair down. It makes you look younger... And sexier." Feliciano added.

Ludwig let out a small laugh and kissed the back of the other man's hand, brushing his lips over his knuckles.

"I love you." Feliciano whispered.

"I love you too." Ludwig replied softly, folding the corner of the page down before closing the book and leaning to kiss his boyfriend.

The Italian cupped his boyfriend's cheek lightly, kissing back. He pulled back slowly, giving Ludwig a small smile. Feliciano rest his head back on the German's lap. They stayed at the park for a while and Feliciano ended up drifting off into a light sleep as Ludwig continued to read his novel.

Ludwig noticed the Italian was asleep and put his book down once again, not to wake him but this time to just look at his peaceful face. He let his eyes slowly flicker from feature to feature of his boyfriend's face, taking in his beautiful appearance.

The German took out his phone and snuck in a picture of the sleeping man. He blushed and gazed thoughtfully at Feliciano. The Sunday afternoon sun rays drowned them in warmth and made the atmosphere so much prettier. May was definitely the prettiest month of all.

Letting his head rest against the trunk of the oak tree and closed his eyes as he tangled his fingers in Feliciano's hair. Soon enough, Ludwig had drifted into his own slumber and they stayed there.

Cuddled up with each other in the serene May afternoon.


Everything felt so perfect for Ludwig and Feliciano. They spent hours on end with each other and it was nice to not be worrying about their rocky roads from the past. They'd promised each other that they would just focus on their future and what lay ahead for them. All the positives.

It was the third of June now and work had been steady, writers and submissions kept rolling in and Feliciano loved his job. He enjoyed going to work every morning and sometimes staying late to look over late manuscripts. It was always fun to be the boss of what goes to the editors and what goes to the trash.

Ludwig was also enjoying his job as VP of Winfield Publishing seeing as he got a thirty-thousand dollar raise and was promised a chance as the next president of the publishing house. But right now, he could care less because he and Feliciano were sitting on a bench in Trinity park eating their lunch.

They draped their blazers over the back of the bench seat and enjoyed the break from work. Feliciano leant back, relaxing while Ludwig on the other hand, was trying his best control his shaking hands.

He discreetly pat his pocket and made sure it was there.

God, what if I can't do it?

The German took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down. He didn't know how his boyfriend was so laid-back right now but then again he wasn't the one asking an important question.

They ate the rest of their food in silence and Feliciano placed his hand over Ludwig's shaking one.

"Do you feel sick or something?" He asked, concern laced in his voice.

"No! No, no, no. I'm fine. Absolutely great!" Ludwig answered quickly. "I'm feeling okay."

Feliciano nodded, reluctantly taking his hand away. He looked up the small hill in front of them and saw a person playing the violin.

"I'll be right back." The Italian said, patting Ludwig's thigh before getting up and making his way over to the man to listen.

Jesus, I'm freaking out. I can't do this. He'll say no. Mein Gott*, help me.

Ludwig looked around frantically before taking out the velvet box and flipping it open, staring at the shining ring. He calmed his breathing down, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. When he opened them again, Feliciano was already walking down the hill and coming closer.


Ludwig stood up and grabbed both black blazers in one hand, closing the box and clenching it. His mind drew an absolute blank as to where to put the ring again and the Italian was almost there and he was just holding it in his hand.

He fumbled around for a pocket and shoved it into one of the pockets on - supposedly - his blazer. The German sighed in relief and handed his boyfriend his black jacket as he approached him.

"That man's music is beautiful!" He smiled.

"I bet it is." Ludwig smiled back as they fell into step beside each other and walked slowly down the interlock path.

Feliciano talked about how wonderful the violinist's music was for about two minutes before Ludwig tuned out. He didn't realize that the other man had stopped walking and talking and reached around in his pocket for the small box. But it wasn't there.

He check the other pocket and his back pants pockets and the one inside his coat.

Within 20 seconds, Ludwig was frantically patting random places on him, searching for the bulge of the velvet box. He began to panic and then froze in his tracks as Feliciano's soft voice called out to him.


"What?!" He snapped, turning on his heel to face the Italian who had a wonder struck expression.

His eyes widened as his gaze fell on the object in the Italian's hand. He stared and stared and stared until his eyes flicked up to Feliciano's amber ones that were boring into his own cobalt orbs.

"What is this?"


Mein Gott - My God (German)


To be continued...

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