Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


"What is this?"

Ludwig's heart pounded in his chest as Feliciano continued to stare at him with the velvet box he'd been looking for in his hands. The Italian wasn't stupid, he knew what it was but the shock of the moment caused him to ask that stupid question.

Ludwig took a step closer, cautiously moving closer to him as if he were a time bomb; set to go off at any given second. He swallowed hard, opening his mouth to answer but no words came out. Everything was moving in slow motion and Feliciano seemed so far away.

"I-It's..." Ludwig stuttered, clenching his hands into fists to cease their shaking. "Th-that is... It's a..."

Feliciano stared at his boyfriend who was stuttering uncontrollably and looked like he was about to die of nervousness.

Form a proper sentence, Beilshmidt. Come on!

"That is a..." He sighed, grabbing the velvet box. "Oh fuck it!"

He got down on one knee and stared deep into the Italian's eyes. Ludwig's hands shook as he flipped open the small box, revealing the silver ring with a gold stripe around it's circumference. The German held it tightly, trying his best not to let his hands shake.

"I love you. So much. And Feliciano, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to show you how deep my love runs." He paused. "W-will you marry me, Feliciano Vargas?"

The Italian gulped, staring down into Ludwig's eyes. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. His heart raced and his brain became hazy and all he could think was yes, yes, yes, yes.

"Yes." Was all he could manage, his voice lost inside. "Yes, yes. I will marry you!"

A huge grin broke out on both men's lips, their hearts swelling at the words. Ludwig took Feliciano's left hand - which was just as shaky as his - and slowly slid the ring onto his fourth finger before kissing the back of his hand.

"Ich liebe dich*." He whispered, tears stinging his eyes.

"T-ti amo*..." Feliciano whispered back, threading his fingers in Ludwig's blonde locks.

Two teenagers walked by with taunting expressions and shouted at them. "Fags!"

The German glared at them and stood up, wrapping an arm around Feliciano's waist, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. They didn't give a damn what other people thought. As long as they were both happy, life was good. Pulling back, they smiled and laughed lightly.

"I love you so much." Feliciano said, hugging his boyfriend tightly.

Ludwig hugged back, just as tightly and peppered kisses on his cheek and his forehead and his neck, wanting to just savour this moment. His whole body shook lightly as the nervousness left him and joy took over.

Feliciano couldn't help the happy tears that streamed his cheeks. He couldn't stop smiling, it was just impossible. He wiped them away before placing his hands on the German's shoulders and kissing him on the cheek multiple times before cupping his face in his hands to kiss him hard.

"I won't ever leave... you either." He whispered between kisses.

Ludwig smiled against his boyfriend's lips and kept an arm wrapped around his waist with the other hand in his hair. A wolf whistle was heard from about ten feet behind them and then turned to face James who had an amused grin on his lips.

"Finally put a ring on it, sir?" The HR manager raised an eyebrow at them.

The couple just laughed lightly and continued to hug each other. 

"Oh God, I was so nervous. Jesus, I almost had a heart attack." He let out a breath and placed a hand over his heart.

Feliciano's eyes snapped to his as those words were spoken. "Are you okay? You're not actually having another heart attack, right?"

"No, I was just joking." He smiled, kissing his new fiancé on the forehead. "I'm healthy as ever."

"You guys go and take off the rest of the day and have fun. John won't mind, he'll understand. I'll talk to him for you two." James piped up. "Congratz, guys!"

"Thanks!" They said in unison as their friend walked away.

Ludwig hugged Feliciano again, kissing the top of his head before resting his chin on his shoulder, burying his face in the crook of his neck.

"I'll be by your side... Für immer und immer.*" He whispered, closing his eyes and memorized his sweet scent.


Für immer und immer - Forever and always (German)


To be continued...

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